
Different Types Of Dental Implants Treated by Best Dentist

For people who have traditional dentures, it is time to choose the best dentist Fairfield for dental implantation. You may accidentally lose your teeth and want to restore your smile, dental implants are the predominant option. Dental Implants are nothing but a small, titanium screw that is placed between the jawbones when one or more teeth are missing. For people who are anxious about going for dental implants, it is recommended to know about the procedures, different types, and treatment process. Here, you can obtain a detailed description of the different types of dental implants and their treatment process. 


 Single Implants VS Multiple Implants

 The best dentist Fairfield says this type of dental implants often requires one or more posts and crowns. All you need to do is to identify the best dental implant surgeon and book your appointment for the dental implant. The dental surgeon will do the treatment for a single missing tooth, and provide a single replacement tooth or crown. If you are missing many teeth, your dental surgeon will suggest you go for multiple tooth implants. In the multiple tooth implants, the dentist will use custom-made replacement teeth. 

 Basic Types Of Implants 

Generally, the dentist Fairfield classifies the types of implants as Endosteal and Subperiosteal. The most common difference between these types of implants is how these missing teeth are attached to the patient’s jawbone. 

 Endosteal Dental Implants

Endosteal implants are nothing but titanium screws that are placed between the patient’s jawbones. The Dental surgeon will recommend Endosteal implants if you have good oral health, healthy gum tissue, a healthy grown jawbone, and enough bone in your jaw lines. If you are undergoing Endosteal implants, you may experience swelling and bruising in your face and gums. It is common to feel discomfort and bleeding during the Endosteal implant procedure.

At first, the dentist will cut the gum in order to provide the proper exposure to your jawbone. Once it’s done, the dental surgeon will drill holes in the bone and implant the Endosteal. Your dental surgeon may prescribe antibiotics and pain relievers for the aftercare process. Food intake and routine oral health checkups should be followed strictly for a speedy recovery. 

Subperiosteal Dental Implants  

 Patients who have insufficient bone density often undergo Subperiosteal Dental implants. The Subperiosteal dental implants differ from the Endosteal implants, as it placed under the gum line on top of the jawbone. The Subperiosteal dental implant comes in a custom-made metal frame based on the patient’s jaw. The custom-made metal frames are attached to the jawbone with the help of protruding through the gum line. 

Whenever you are going for the subperiosteal dental implants, you are free from bone grafting procedures. As they are anchored to the jawbone, this type of implant is more stable and durable in nature. Similar to Endosteal dental implants, you can easily clean and maintain your oral health. 

Zygoma Dental Implants    

Another rarely used Dental Implants is a Zygoma Dental Implant. The best dentist Fairfield  suggested this type of implant for people who are having significant bone loss in the upper jaw line. Here the dental surgeons place the implants at the cheekbone. Now you get an overall idea about the types of dental implants. Choose the best dental surgeon for your dental implants and get your oral health back.