
Infinity Cube: Festive Fun (Holiday Special)

Infinity Cube: Festive Fun

A non-canon short


“So? Are you going to open it?” Mei Lin shrugged as she took another bite of the frosted sugar cookie in her hand. 


“What? Oh.. Uh, yeah I guess. It's just kind of..”


“Elizabeth, you've been staring at the box for like half an hour. Are you sure you're ok? We can just throw it out-”


“No.” Elizabeth responded starkly. The PhD student didn't have that many friends, and her parents divorced when she was in middle school. All of their other presents had already been opened, and each of them clearly marked who they were from.


All except for one small nearly wrapped gift box no bigger than a rubix cube, addressed to ‘Elizabeth Carter’ but with no sender. 


Even weirder still, instead of being underneath their tree, Elizabeth found it sitting on the desk in her room when she woke up that morning.


“Then you better hurry up, Winston is going to be here to pick us up soon.” Mei sighed. The young woman didn't dislike Elizabeth's boyfriend, but some part of her wished she had the courage to have asked her to get together.


Elizabeth didn't say anything. Instead, the 32 year old woman carefully began unwrapping the anonymous gift. “It's.. A cube.”


“Like a paperweight?”


“No, like.. My original PhD project design.. You know, the one I didn't make because you said everyone would just think it was-”


“A paperweight.” Mei Lin giggled.


“But.. I never actually built it. Do you think Winston took the blueprints or something?” 


“Don’t ask me, that kind of stuff is way over my head. You know that Liz… Uh Elizabeth? Are you ok?” 


Elizabeth wasn't listening. The moment she touched the device her mind had been filled with tons of data. The object unlocked something hidden from deep within the shy, reserved woman…


It also planted a seed. 

A craving.

A need; to spread festive cheer, to satisfy the wishes of the nice, and to punish the naughty..


“Elizabeth!? Snap out of it! You're kind of freaking me out!” Mei Lin said a bit louder than she expected, causing both girls to jump slightly.


“Mei.. What do you want for Christmas?” Elizabeth blurted out. She couldn't describe the feelings inside of herself, only that she had to ask.


“I.. I” Mei Lin on the other hand found herself reeling with an all consuming urge to answer the question. Not even registering that her body was frozen within a glowing outline of red, white, and green. “I want you to be able to love me.. The way I love you..” 


Mei Lin would have thrown her hands over her mouth if she could move. Tears formed in her eyes as they burned with embarrassment.


Elizabeth didn't say anything. Instead, the little white cube turned black and levitated out of its container. 




“I do.. I do love you, Mei Mei.” The older woman whispered, feeling both very warm and giddy inside. Butterflies filled her stomach, while her brain remained conflicted over her relationship with Winston.


The instant Mei was released from her momentary stasis, she walked out of the kitchen and right up to her taller housemate. “You do?”


“Yes.. I do.” Elizabeth whimpered, compelled to lean down and kiss her friend. So she did.. and Mei Lin kissed back. The two locked lips for what seemed like forever.


“You two lovebirds coming or what?” 


Snapped out of their make out session, the girl's heads turned in unison to see Winston standing in the door.


Elizabeth immediately jumped over to her boyfriend, hugging him tight while he rubbed her head gently in return. 


“Let's get this show on the road!” Winston smiled, and the three of them headed out to his car. 



Elizabeth felt a weird sensation tingling in the back of her mind. 


As if loving her best friend wasn't how things were supposed to be.. But with the black cube humming a strange warmth into her lap as they drove, those thoughts only got further and further away.


“Winston, what do you want for Christmas?” Elizabeth said without thinking, simply following what (now) came naturally to her.


“Me? Well, I don't really need anything. I'm happy with what I have, you know me.” 


He paused for a second. “Though I suppose, if I had to choose; I'd want you to let yourself relax more. I mean it Liz, there's a lot on your plate already.”




Elizabeth could do that. 

She giggled for the first time in years as the festive colors covering Winston faded, entirely unnoticed by anyone. Her face softened and her shoulders dropped. 


Nearly twenty years of tension flushed out of Elizabeth in a single deep breath. 


The tall mousy brunette was glad she could allow herself to relax so effortlessly, even if she was unable to remember using the ability before today.


Elizabeth began unconsciously rubbing her thighs together in response to a growing heat between her legs. The woman rarely ever actually felt arousal; repressing it along with everything else she considered a distraction 


“I love you both so much.” She murmured, having accidentally relaxed far more than originally intended. 


“Hey babe? We're here.” Winston lightly with a little nudge, breaking his girlfriend out of a rather deep trance.


“You're drooling..” For as long as the two had been dating, he had never seen her so spaced out. 


“O-oh sorry!” Elizabeth gasped, caught off guard in more ways than one.


"No need to apologize hun, if anything I'm the one who's sorry. You looked so peaceful I didn't want to disturb you.” He chuckled. 


“Mei Lin already headed inside. You just take your time while we set up. Everyone else won't be here for at least another half hour.” 


Elizabeth simply nodded obediently as he closed the car door slowly, being extra careful not to startle her.


She'd forgotten to tell him about the cube clenched tightly in her hand, but she would be able to do that later.


Right now, her attention ended up settling on a group of students walking down the sidewalk on the other side of the laboratory parking lot. There were three of them, two girls and a guy. 


Wiping the drool from her face, Elizabeth made her way out of the car and quickly walked over to catch up with them. She had to make sure they were being festive.


“Excuse me! What do you want for Christmas?” She asked two of them, before turning to the blonde, “Oh, Hanukkah is over.. But what would you have wanted anyway?” Elizabeth should have been confused on how she knew this person specifically was Jewish, if not for the cube still pouring data into her mind.


“I want to fuck my best friend and her sister.” The boy spoke first, though he closed his mouth in embarrassment as soon as he finished the sentence. 


“Of course you do. I want a million dollars. What about you Annika?” Scoffed the dark haired woman next to him. 


“I don't know… Sometimes in my dreams.. I wish I wasn't so prudish..” Annika squeaked through her burning cheeks.


Elizabeth could feel the joy and cheer in their desires and it made her knees weak. Although, she had a party to get to, so instead of sticking around, she let the strangers get on with their day.


All three watched in slight confusion as the girl walked away, until Henry got a call on his phone from Sarah. She informed him that both her and Kara would fuck him anytime he wanted, as much as he wanted.


Kara herself on the other hand, the raven haired woman next to him, had already sunk to her knees right there on the sidewalk. Submissively presenting a gold plated card to him with both hands, eyes cast to ground. “You can fuck me for free Sir.” She mewled, somewhat conflicted about this new development. One part due to her desire to be the best Christmas present she could be alongside her sister, the other because Kara was now painfully aware of how naughty she had been.


Despite being Henry's ‘best friend' for years, she never considered their friendship very special. In fact she only stuck around him to make fun of the boy behind his back and bully him for no reason other than her personal enjoyment.


Kara would get her million dollars, except it would probably take her some time. Given that she now had an inexplicable urge to reach her goal solely through prostitution. Lucky for her, the whore’s brain was filled with a lifetime of skill for her new occupation, and since it was Christmas; Elizabeth had also unconsciously granted the former bully immunity to STDs and other diseases. 


Henry got to use her (and her sister Sarah) for free thanks to the very unique discount she was currently presenting to him. 


Annika on the other hand was clutching her necklace, holding onto her deep devotion to her faith as she lost her deeply rooted ability to repress her sexuality.


The communications major stumbled but managed to stay stable on her heels. Her hand had left the necklace, having latched onto her large chest. The other hand was holding out her phone as she fondled herself in public, recording it for her social media accounts and because looking at herself made Annika feel so hot.




Elizabeth eventually made it back to the science wing, after gifting an older woman a younger body; formerly a respectable teacher, now just another horny student.


The concept of festivity and joy clawed itself deeper into Elizabeth's mind with every use of the device.. She couldn't wait to spread even more holiday cheer to everyone at the party, to those she cherished the most..