Upholding a chance to study in France is an all-time greatest opportunity. With the world’s finest universities, the country certainly surged its way to the top list of universities. Not only universities but the overall lifestyle and policies make the students into responsible citizens. The academia is built in such a way that any student is bestowed with a plenty amount of exposure as well as a scope to excel further in their respective field. France is curated with multiple aspects apart from academics. Recreational activities, like sports, fashion, culinary, artistry and more have motivated the students to opt for a career out of these fields. Thanks to the tremendous amount of awareness, exposure to other parts of the world and a huge platform to enhance & showcase the skills. No other country would lay such a robust foundation for culminating your abilities & capabilities. Allowing every student to new heights of possibility and success.
France holds a paramount value and continuously adds more to it. In terms of the world economic level, France has gripped over an outstanding 7th position (as of Nov’19). The country’s GDP is only catching up the pace with the growing global needs. Considering each factor, the government of France has culminated the educational aspect at its peak by opening gates to the international students. With this, universities outshined through their reliable & constant support in terms of course accreditation and ensuring the growth of each individual. Undoubtedly, the French government invested heavily in the upliftment of educational institutes with a vision of much stronger & higher ROI in the future. In France, there is a list of countries which are considered the best for studying as well as living, those are Rennes, Nantes, Toulouse, Nice, Lyon, Reims, La Rochelle, Clermont and Paris. The students have always praised one of these cities all the times, for its availability, safety, academic excellence and quality lifestyle.
On top of this, the universities offer a number of internship opportunities right on campus. Ensuring the students to grow, earn while learning and gather a higher perspective around professionalism. From assisting with paperwork, the campus will motivate you to apply for an internship. Any student who has worked for more than two months is enabled to get paid 577.50 Euros per month. On completion of your graduation, a master’s degree goes a long way in the vocational world. Under the Post Study Work scheme, an individual who graduated from the French institution is entitled to work for a duration of 24 months without any restrictions in any firm that he/she applies to. With a number of major headquarters of prominent companies established in France, the graduates have an enormous opportunity to find the best platform for their upgrowth and future ambitions. Moreover, there couldn’t be any better chance of bagging the finest moments to mould your life.
Under the sound and informative guidance of certified counsellors, Edugo Abroad serves to be an extremely efficient centre for the students willing to study abroad. The entire team ensures to leave no room for hesitation and deliver only the genuine instruction about the overseas scenarios.
Are you arriving in france for higher education, you must know how to apply for cvec, social security, validating residence permit after. In this blog we have mentioned 4 major points you will know things to do after your france study visa.