Hi and welcome to "Ask Angela", Today I want to talk about whether or not you should be interviewing your real estate agent prior to starting the home buying process and the answer is "yes". Your real estate agent is going to be an integral part of the home buying process for you this person should be able to not only help you find a home negotiates a home they should be able to refer anything that you may need or anyone that you may need within the process .
For example, an attorney or maybe a mortgage professional even an inspector or an insurance professional when that time comes as well so you should definitely be having a conversation with a few people one of the things is their personality does it fit with yours understanding that and following your gut is also going to help make the process just a little bit more comfortable for you not everyone works with everyone else and sometimes it's not because the professional is no good sometimes it's simply the fact that your personality and theirs doesn't fit well so follow your gut as far as that goes and definitely make sure you're comfortable with the real estate professionals that you choose.
Let's talk about some of the questions that you can ask a real estate agent are you a part-time or a full-time now so what I would say to you is if an agent tells you that they are part-time. For example, ask them how many hours they contribute to real estate every single week you might be surprised at the answer, sometimes you have part-time agents that work 40,50 or 60 hours in real estate every single week and they're phenomenal agents so don't just take a part-time agent and say oh he's part-time when she's it's no good digging right really understand what that person is doing maybe ask them for referrals check out their referrals online.
Online is a big thing now referrals are huge so what about your full-time agents if you have an agent that says their full time I would still dig into this question right the truth is you can have a full-time agent that's full time but they don't do much so if their full time you want to say to them what does your day consist of what do you do all day and if that real estate agent should have a very structured day right we all work you guys work the most part and you have a structure days so your real estate agent also should have a very structured day so again dig into both answers whether part-time or full-time digging find out what you need to know to see whether or not that real estate agent would be a good fit for you.
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