
Painless Delivery in India—An underrated option for painless childbirth.

Having a child is one of the happiest moments in someone’s life. It's something extraordinary and yet so simple and natural. However, enriching the beautiful soul comes with loads of labour pain and surely first-time mothers fear the labour pain. No worries, Modern medicine and techniques have brought about some revolutionary advancement that reduces the pain during childbirth to a satisfactory level. Painless delivery in India or biologically termed as ‘Epidural analgesia’ is nothing but an option for normal delivery.


Now, what exactly is painless delivery;


Painless Delivery


Painless delivery refers to the use of an epidural injection which is given for pain relief during labour. It is injected into the lower back, and a plastic tube, epidural catheter,  is placed through which drugs are released around the spinal cord. It is injected only once when you are in active labour which means you are having at least three contractions in 10 minutes.


The epidural analgesia lasts for as long as the catheter is in place, along with the patient receiving medication. In general, it takes around two to four hours for the numbness to doze off depending on the dosage.


Painless Delivery cost in India


 The Cost of painless delivery in India fluctuates around rs 5000.

However, the charges for painless normal delivery in India vary for different hospitals and healthcare centres.


Pros of painless delivery 


  • It helps a woman cope more okay with post-partum exhaustion. It is an aid for relaxation and can prevent exhaustion and irritation caused during childbirth.
  • It relaxes the muscles as Epidural analgesia helps the baby descend easily by relaxing the pelvic and vaginal muscles.
  • Painless delivery injection cost in India is affordable and cost-effective. 
  • Decreases the blood pressure of the mother, which in the case of normal delivery increase abruptly during labour. 
  • Epidural analgesia reduces the pain and suffering, consequently, the number of stress hormones produced will be very less thus reducing irritation and exhaustion.
  • It is extremely beneficial for elderly mothers. They can take the advantage of normal child delivery with epidural analgesia or the painless delivery option as the verge of bearing pain decreases with ageing.

Why choose Painless delivery as a painless childbirth option?

As mentioned above in the section on the pros of painless delivery, there are many benefits you can reap while choosing painless delivery in Delhi as an option also painless normal delivery injection is quite affordable and reasonable.