
Ways to protect yourself in monsoon season from diseases

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@anonymous · Jun 25, 2022

After a hot and humid day rain could bring in some rainy season diseases. However, during monsoons, our immune system is weekened thus may result in many water-borne diseases. We should be well aware of why our body is vulnerable during the rainy season or how we can be safe and protected. A Surgeon in Agra helps provide effective remedial procedures.


During monsoon climatic change causes different types of monsoon diseases, common diseases with the rainy season health care tips –

  1. Flu and Cold – One of the most common forms of viral infections is cold and flu which comes with the drastic fluctuation of temperature which happens during this rainy season making the body susceptible to bacterial and viral attacks, therefore resulting in cold and flu.
  2. Mosquito Borne Diseases – Malaria and dengue fever are the two diseases that occurs during monsoon. Malaria comes when rain, and water remain clogged, and helps the mosquitoes’ breeding process. Hence, the spread of malaria can be prevented by keeping such clogged areas clean.

Whereas dengue fever can be very painful and life-threatening. This disease is caused by the dengue virus, the carrier here is the mosquito keeping the body protected from any form of a mosquito bite can ensure safety.

  1. Cholera – A water borne infection caused by various strains of bacteria called Vibrio cholera. It affects the gastrointestinal tract causing severe dehydration and diarrhea. Hence, it is suggested to drink boiled, treated, or purified water that keeps the germs at bay.
  2. Typhoid – It is a result of contaminated food and water, it’s another bacterial infection caused by Salmonella typhi. Hence maintaining proper hygiene and sanitation and at the same time using clean water is recommended.
  3. Hepatitis A – It is an infection caused by contaminated food and water which mainly affects the liver. Some of the common Hepatitis A symptoms are fever, vomiting, rash, etc. Henceforth proper hygiene can cover the risk of this condition. Top surgeon in Agra offers healthy tips and recommendations for your overall health.

In short, the hot, humid, and wet weather makes it favorable for the micro-organisms to reproduce and multiply. However, this also results in many respiratory tract diseases and skin infections too. Consult the best general surgeon in Agra for various health problems anytime at your convenience.