
An Introduction to Cantilever Retaining Walls

When it comes to Retaining wall contractors Brisbane, cantilever retaining walls are one of the most popular choices. This introductory cantilever wall guide is not intended to be a comprehensive treatment of the topic, but rather an overview that will prepare the novice with the fundamentals of the subject.

A retaining wall is a wall designed to hold back dirt that would otherwise shift down. It has practical purposes, such as stabilizing slopes and building agricultural terraces. Many people also use retaining walls for aesthetic reasons as part of the landscaping of their property. A cantilever wall is an alternative to the classic gravity wall, and one of its main advantages is that it requires less material. The wall does this by using cast-in-place masonry or concrete, usually in the shape of an inverted T. The tee is made using a triangular shaped steel support.

Wall Designs

Structurally, cantilever retaining wall designs are limited, but not so aesthetically. In other words, there are many ways to integrate cantilevered walls in an aesthetically pleasing way. In residential environments, concrete and masonry are often replaced by wood. Alternatively, homeowners will use higher-grade materials for the aspects of the wall that will be above ground. In residential environments, concrete and masonry are often replaced by wood. Alternatively, homeowners will use higher-grade materials for the aspects of the wall that will be above ground. Most importantly, the wall design does not deviate structurally.

Professionally Installed

As a rule, never build true weight-bearing cantilever masonry walls without the help of a professional. In other words, if building a cantilever retaining wall for levels in a backyard, So this is definitely a project the homeowner can do himself. If there is a significant elevation, and the goal is to prevent one aspect of the property from being transferred to another, an engineer is required.

How to Build Cantilever Wall Designs

When building a cantilever retaining wall design, the easiest way to do this is to use a cantilever wall schematic. These plans are available online or at a home improvement store, and they guide you through the process of sectioning off a wall. All a homeowner needs to do is determine the length of the wall, and then purchase enough supplies to cover it.

Buying Plans and Supplies Online

When building a cantilever retaining wall, the natural tendency is to purchase supplies locally. However, before you do that, take some time to look online. You might be surprised by the discount available on this. Most distributors have far reaching reach, and they can deliver ingredients home with no or very little shipping cost.

The Planning Stage

The most important aspect of building a cantilever retaining wall is the planning stage. Consider all options. Decide which one is right for your yard, and then take the time to plan the structure. Visualize it and then draw it. It doesn't matter if the drawing is raw, as long as it's to scale so you can estimate supplies.

Many Retaining wall contractors Brisbane online have web-based planners that you can use for free.
