What are the top features available on Anastrat (as on April 2022)?
- Anastrat Score
- Statistics
- Personal Traits / Insights
- Day / Time Analytics
- Trading Journal India
- Tag Analytics
What these features can do for you?
Anastrat Score
AnaStrat score is derived from 100+ parameters computed based on a proprietary algorithm that asserts how good do you execute your trades compared to the market movement.
It is a benchmark score that considers factors like individual Daily output, Sharpe ratio, weighted average of daily/weekly/monthly trades, consistency, duration of the position, panic selling, calculatedness, aggression and many more.
Now, with an improved AnaStrat Score you get to know that you are not only improving your profitability but also your strategies, timing, calls and many more.
It gives you a quick synopsis of everything for the selected period.
- Total number of trades you punched
- How many profit trades did you book?
- How many loss trades did you book?
- What is your profit factor?
- What is your overall average return?
- What is your sharpe ratio?
- What is the number of trades held open at the given point of time?
- Of all the trades, which trade has been your most profitable one?
- Of all the trades, which trade has been your most loss making one?
- Of all the sectors that you traded in, which one has been most profitable?
- Of all the sectors that you traded in, which one has been the most loss making one?
Personal Traits & Insights
- What kind of a trader are you - Short / Long?
- What segments do you often trade on - FNO / MCX / Equity Intraday?
- What terms do you generally trade on - BTST / STBT / Weekly expiry / Monthly expiry?
- What kind of trades has given you maximum output?
- What kind of profits did you book on long / short calls?
- What kind of loss did you book on long / short calls?
Day & Time Analysis
- What days have been profitable?
- On what days have you incurred more losses?
- What time of the day have you been more profitable?
- What time of the day have you incurred more losses?
- Complete statistics divided as per the times you took your trades on?
Trading Journal
AnaStrat’s Trading Journal India is one of many other sophisticated features on the platform that helps you save a lot of hours and ease your journaling experience. It increases productivity and efficiency through an effortless function and does not require journaling expertise. Through this trade journal, you experience accelerated efficiency and agility to get better at your strategies. You will be able to unite your distanced data points with painless trade book imports, learn from the critical insights that platform suggests and execute improved strategies as a result.
All you need to do is type the reason you took that particular trade. These reasons could be anything as simple as just keywords or sentences. It is for you to know what mistakes to be avoided in the near future.
Tag Analytics
Tag Analytics is another cool feature that you can use with those keywords that can unite all the trades that have the same tags attached to it.
For instance you took three trades using Bollinger bands to time your entry and exit a trade. Bollinger bands could be the tag used for all those three trades.