
3 Tips to Increase the Brain Power of Students at Top School

Our brains are incredible organs that serve as the control centre for everything we do, including retaining and recalling memories. Maintaining optimal brain health is crucial for overall well-being, especially as we age. Just like any other muscle in the body, the brain benefits from regular exercise to stay sharp and active. Engaging in activities that challenge the brain, such as learning new skills, solving puzzles, playing strategic games like chess, and even engaging in creative endeavours like painting or writing, can all contribute to keeping cognitive functions at their best.



In this blog, we’ll delve into how the top schools in Sriniwaspuri, such as Cambridge School, can encourage students to increase their brain power. So, without further ado, let’s start.

  • Exercise

Exercise improves our fitness levels and also helps develop a healthy brain. By doing various exercises like running, cycling, swimming, or dancing, you can strengthen the connection between brain cells, which will help provide oxygen to the brain. By doing this, your learning and memory skills will improve, and you will be able to absorb all the information from your lectures and books. For students seeking a balanced education, exploring options at top CBSE schools near you could complement these efforts by offering holistic learning environments.

  • Nutritious Diet

Diet plays an important role in boosting your brain power in different ways, especially for students attending schools in Srinivaspuri, Delhi, like Cambridge School. You should include zinc and iodine in your diet, as they contribute to the normal functioning of the brain. Vitamins B6, B12, and folate will help you prevent being tired, which is a major cause of procrastination for students during their studies. Omega-3 and DHA can help your brain function correctly, which is a vital part of learning, making them the most significant nutrients to include in your daily diet.

  • Socialise

Socialising is an essential aspect of university or school life. Engaging in conversations, whether with peers or mentors, not only fosters social bonds but also enhances cognitive functions. Research indicates that dedicating as little as 10 minutes daily to meaningful conversation can significantly contribute to maintaining optimal brain health, thereby improving cognitive performance and memory retention. For students seeking to excel academically, prioritising social interactions alongside academic pursuits is integral, fostering a holistic approach to education. This is particularly relevant in the context of accessing resources and support networks within the top schools in Sriniwaspuri.

End Note

Socialising, a nutritious diet, and exercising are vital to not only improving the quality of life but also to improving academic performance. These aspects of daily life have been highlighted as critical to students’ brain health and cognitive functioning. The reason why the top schools in Sriniwaspuri, like Cambridge School, ask students to eat healthy and exercise regularly is that it is essential for a healthy mind. So, enrol your child today!