
This Privacy Policy applies to all other mobile (iOS and Android platform) software applications/games (called “Apps”) and the Website (collectively called the “Only4Prank Services”) provided by Only4Prank.

  1. What information we collect

Personal Information:
“Personal Information” is information that identifies you, which may be transmitted or received when you use Only4Prank  Services. Personal Information may be: your name, telephone number, email address, physical address, calendar entries, phonebook entries, files, photos, geographical location, unique device identifiers for advertising (Google Advertiser ID or IDFA or any other) and any other information that can identify you.

We do NOT collect any Personal Information about you.

Non-Personal Information:
“Non-Personal Information” is information that does not directly identify you or any other individuals. Non-Personal Information may be: type/model of your mobile device, Android/iOS version, language used in system, country code or information about how you use your device.

We do NOT collect any Non-Personal Information about you.

  1. How we store, use and disclose information about you

As we do not collect any Personal or Non-Personal Information about you, we can’t store, use or disclose it.

  1. Third-party services

We may include advertising services (“ads”) in our Apps that may be provided by third parties (“Third Party Services”). Such Third Party Services’ providers have their own privacy policies and we advise you to read them carefully. Below you can find the details of all Third Party Services we may work with:

Google Admob (Webpage | Privacy Policy | Opt out)
AdMob is an advertising service provided by AdMob Google Inc. You can read here how Google uses information from sites or apps that use its services.

StartApp (Webpage | Privacy Policy | Opt out (Privacy policy: section 7.1))
StartApp is an advertising service provided by StartApp Inc.

Unity Ads (Webpage | Privacy Policy | Opt out (Search in FAQs))
Unity Ads is an advertising service provided by Unity Technologies, Inc.

  1. Android permissions

Some of our Android mobile applications and games (collectively called “Products”) may require permissions like :

All Permissions are used in Products to provide best user experience. All personal and non-personal information obtained by the use of above Permissions are used only by the Products itself and are not stored, used, disclosed outside of the Products.