
Post-operative care after spine surgery


A patient's decision to have spine surgery is a big one. Patients are concerned not just about the operation, but also about the post-surgical recovery. After spine surgery, the routine post-operative care of a patient is described in this article, which is suggested by one of the best Neurosurgeon in Aurangabad.

Wound-care and bath:

Even though the dressing is clean, it is usual practice to replace it frequently. Patients sometimes inquire about how often they should change their dressings. Unless the dressing material is drenched with blood, liquid, or bodily fluids, a dressing change is usually not required during minimally invasive spine surgeries (sweat, urine, or stool). A dressing change is frequently done before releasing from the hospital for a larger/open procedure.

After 4-5 days, the patient is allowed to take a light shower. To avoid infection, it's best not to let water soap get into the wound. Another option is to wipe the body clean with a moist towel. Water-repellent dressings that adhere to the skin keep the wound dry.


As Suggested by a Spine Surgeon in Aurangabad, in the vast majority of cases, patients can sit and walk the same or the following day after spine surgery. They are usually not limited in terms of how long they can sit, stand, or walk. Patients are free to participate in these activities to the extent that they are comfortable. Even for open operations, this is true. After spinal instrumentation surgery, robust titanium implants allow rapid weight-bearing.

Household work:

Patients are permitted to perform any domestic tasks while sitting or standing as soon as they are comfortable. They are usually not limited in terms of how long they can sit, stand, or walk for. Bending forward, sitting on the floor, and hard lifting, on the other hand, should be avoided.

Other activities:

Patients are permitted to perform all activities in a chair-sitting or standing position, as desired. Walking-related activities, such as going to the local market or walking in the park, are also permitted. Stair climbing is also an option for the patient.



 It is advised by Spine Surgeon in Aurangabad to avoid the following activities:

  • Sitting on the floor,
  •  Bending forward,
  • Lifting heavyweight (more than 5 kg).
  • Twisting the body.

These limitations are typically in place for 4-6 weeks to allow the disc and soft tissue near the surgery site to recover. In addition, bone repair and consolidation take roughly 3-6 months after spinal fusion surgery. After fusion surgery, strenuous labor, carrying very high weights, and sporting activities should be avoided for 6 months. These limitations are in place to minimize recurrence of symptoms following spinal decompression surgery and implant failure (loosening/breakage) following spine fusion surgery.

Use of brace:

After surgery, cervical or lumbar belt is commonly used to stabilize the spine. These braces provide some spine support, but their primary purpose is to limit spine motions, provide comfort to the patient, and remind them of the surgery so that they continue to take precautions. Brace wear is normally advised for a duration of 4-6 weeks. Patients are then instructed to gradually wean themselves off of it. To avoid a sudden jerk to the post-operative spine, it is advisable to wear a brace while traveling for an extended period of time.


Sleeping after spine surgery:

Patients who have had spinal surgery should sleep according to the same guidelines as those who have had neck or back surgery. It is recommended to sleep on a firm mattress to support spinal alignment. After cervical spine surgery, a thin pillow/cervical pillow should be utilized. A pillow under the knees relaxes the spinal muscles and relieves the symptoms of nerve pull. To avoid twisting tension on the spine, turn in bed with your shoulder and hips together (log-rolling).


It is preferable to avoid long journeys. Bike riders should be avoided during the first 4-6 weeks. In the car, the patient should either sit in the back seat or lie down in the completely reclined passenger seat next to the driver. For the first three months after surgery, it is recommended that you wear a brace while traveling. Within 2-3 weeks of surgery, the patient can begin driving. While driving, a pillow or lumbar arch support should be used. In addition, car seat height should be raised to keep knees at or below hip level. Other standard driving measures should also be observed.


Contact your surgeon immediately if any of the following occurs:

  • Excessive, frequent bleeding through the wound,
  •  Signs of infection (see above),
  • Severe pain not controlled by medications,
  • Fall during walking,
  • New symptom related to nerve pressure (pain in arm/ leg, numbness, weakness, difficulty in passing urine),
  • Any other new symptom.