

That day would be a day to remember for Felix... just not in the way he intended.

After minutes of deliberation, the council called him back and asked him exactly what he had done. Felix explained his experiment with the bean and the pot, but they didn’t believe that was the end of the story. Felix then expanded his explanation, mentioning every minor detail that brought him there. The nightmares, the lucid dreaming, the planes of existence he visited.

But he mentioned nothing about the door he opened at the end of the hall. He knew that the door was out of bounds for EVERYONE but him. He knew that, whatever happened inside, was just for HIM.
And they were not getting anything about that.

Finally, the council headmaster revealed why they were riled up: Whatever Split was, that technique that he learned and mastered in under a day, he wasn’t using an ounce of magical power to do it… Yet he managed to effortlessly bend time and space to his will.
Felix realized that possessing a mysterious ability with unlimited potential and completely untraceable by magical means was a big threat to them.

He. A nobody. He was a THREAT. For something that he found in a DREAM.

Finally, the council resolved. From that day forward, the entire cult was banned from mentioning what they had seen that day. The lynx was to be expelled, his whole memory erased, and would be forbidden from ever using that ability again, forever being followed by cult members to ensure he would never pursue any magical endeavors that might lead him to re-discover this ability.

He felt the hand of one of them, placing itself behind his head, to cast a quick spell to render him unconscious, in case he intended to do anything.

And the next second, the hand was on the other side of the room they were in, stamped against the wall, while the cultist behind him realized his appendage was missing… right before the stub started to bleed profusely all over Felix’s clothes.