
Digital Wayfinding Signage: The Newly Emerging Trend

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Sparsadigital @Sparsadigital · Dec 17, 2021

Undoubtedly, digital signage has made it easier for businesses to focus on what’s more important. It allows the business enterprises to devote their precious time to things that require more attention, rather than just spending it on navigation or other less important things. Wondering what it is actually about? Let’s take a close look at the situation here.


Even in the modernized world comprising high-tech technology such as Google maps, most businesses have to spend some time or the other to help their customers navigate to them properly. For this, they even hire a dedicated resource or have some sort of helpline numbers that serve as a self-help tool for their target audience. Sounds not so good, right?


Today, with the help of Wayfinder signage, these businesses can easily help people locate the location without any hassle in no time. The wayfinder software can easily be installed on devices like mobile phones, or TV screens, and more. Audiences can use this software easily with written or oral commands, as per their preferences. This software works with the help of already installed maps of the location. This allows users to get a real-time experience for the premises they are looking forward to visiting.


There are several other benefits of implying voice-activated signage for your respective businesses. Those are as follows:


  1. Saves Time- This is the foremost important factor that comes into play when one talks about digital wayfinding signage. For instance, if a person enters a building and goes to the reception desk to know about the specific area they are looking for, it will easily take around 3-5 minutes on average. Now, in another scenario using wayfinder signage, might make it much easier for the visitor once they install the app on the phone, or even if they locate a navigation screen placed in the building. This will ultimately save a whole lot of time and energy for both- the visitor as well as the staff member at the reception area.


  1. Eliminates Confusion- On the occasion of entering a large complex, there is a high possibility that one can get easily confused with the familiar department or similar-looking corridors on each floor. However, wayfinder software makes sure to eliminate the confusion by helping you reach the desired spot in no time, that too without asking for any help from the staff members. Sometimes, even the directions from multiple staff members can result in causing trouble, and making one scratch their heads off. To avoid such scenarios, voice-activated signage can be easily trusted and looked forward upon.


  1. Instant Updates- In the case of a hospital building or bank complex, the digital wayfinding signage can be really helpful once again. It can flash emergency updates or important announcements on the screen while helping people navigate through the premises. Even in the case of lunch hours for bank employees, and automatically scheduled message can be displayed to the audience so that they can wait or revisit accordingly. Or in the case of any emergency, such as an electric circuit or fire, one can make instant announcements to make sure everyone is aware of the scenario. Hence, wayfinder signage can help you for safety purposes too.


  1. Minimal Maintenance- The installation process for voice-activated signage is quite minimal, in comparison to traditional posters or hiring a full-fledged employee for keeping up at the reception area. The costs are also on the lower end. This software equipped with the latest technology is prone to work actively (without any fault) for longer years. Hence, they require minimal or no maintenance and can go on for years without any kind of reinstallation or repair. This also makes sure that getting equipped with the latest technology does not burn a hole in your pocket, rather gives you access to what you might be just missing upon!


  1. Makes you Tech-Savvy- With the evolution of ever-changing technologies in the present world, it has become a necessity to become tech-savvy every time so that you do not miss out on anything new in the market. Missing out on the latest technology might make you lag behind so many people who have already paved their ways forward making the most out of it. Therefore, using wayfinder software ensures that a business is tech-savvy and way ahead of other entities in making the most out of what they have. And this is definitely very important to stay ahead in the game in such competitive markets!


Wondering what’s more?


The use of digital wayfinding signage can help a business reach great heights in no time. This is the year 1990s where it used to take years and years for a business to bloom. In the 21st century, it is possible to pave the path for your company’s success while beginning with a few easy steps. And, voice-activated signage under digital signage is definitely one of the most important tools that can help you get this done! This is not rocket science. Rather, a very simple fact, that can also be stated as wayfinder signage is the future! Putting an end to the wastage of time, efforts, and money- might be the only solution to help businesses reach their goals in a comparatively lesser period of time. Yet this is just the tip of the iceberg!


The next important step is to find a solution that is tailored as per your needs, and can be customized as per your goals and expectations. At Sparsa Digital, the highly talented team of experts make sure that your business gets the desired solution tailored in such a way that it fulfills your desires without giving you much stress. They also help you devote your rather precious time to tasks that require more attention so that you make more money and have fewer worries. Interested to learn more? Get in touch with Sparsa Digital here and book your appointment today to get started with the most amazing wayfinder signage software, and much more!   Digital Signage Solutions, Digital Standee, Digital Display Board, Digital signage Software