
Solid Marketing Ideas For Recruitment Firms

Recruitment Marketing, Recruitment Marketing Agency, Recruitment Marketing Automation, Recruitment Marketing Services

“How do I find more clients?” is a question frequently asked by staffing agencies and recruitment firms who are always looking to differentiate themselves from the steep mountain of competitors. I understand that marketing your agency in an industry as crowded as recruitment can be challenging.


Professional recruiters know that working hard will only get you so far and committing yourself to content marketing will give you a leg up over some of your competitors but won’t necessarily make you stand out if you’re using the same tactics as everyone else. So, here’s a few ideas for recruitment marketing that can help your agency get an edge over competitors-


  1. Next-Level Content Marketing

Blog posts that barely scratch the surface of any issue- like “10 Buzzwords You Should Delete From Your LinkedIn Profile” or “Don’t Overlook The Importance of Soft Skills” are redundant. They have no value to the readers. Even if they agree with the assertion, there are already thousands of similar 300-word posts on the topic. So, there is simply no point in re-hashing the subject.


Instead create content that is so good that there is simply no way it will not be widely shared amongst your target audience. This type of next-level content requires thorough research and expertise on industry topics that come from a point of view that is your own and not available anywhere else.


  1. Reddit Ads

The most popular ad markets like Google Adwords and LinkedIn are incredibly oversaturated so much so that most of your recruitment marketing ideas will be expensive to execute on these platforms and tough to justify on a small budget. Here’s where you can still find cheap advertising for your recruitment firm- Reddit. There are tens and thousands of daily users on many subreddits who accept ads at reasonable prices.


If you want to know more about advertising on Reddit, here's where you should go: https://www.redditinc.com/advertising While creating your ad just make sure you target specific subreddits where you know the people you’re looking for are hanging out.


  1. Free Online Software

The best way to attract new clients to your recruitment marketing agency is to create a free online tool or software that offers them immense value upfront. An example of this would be Hubspot’s free Website Grader tool (https://website.grader.com/) that scores your business website on a number of parameters- SEO, Speed, Mobile Readiness, Security etc.

The advantage of creating free online tools for users like the one dis


cussed here is twofold- a) you get hordes of email addresses from potential clients you can start an email campaign with to win them over as your customers and b) by offering them immense value at the very beginning of the sales cycle, the odds of them choosing you for their recruitment marketing efforts will dramatically increase down the road.


All these steps can be a little tricky to pull off at first, but if done well, you will reap huge benefits in the form of endless leads pouring into your business.


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