

[1] thedailybeast.com 

[2] vice.com

[3] youtube.com “You can not be a Christian and vote Democrat in this nation”

[4] lgbtqnation.com burning books 

[5] krem.com anti-abortion 

[6] globalvisionbc.com “we accept everyone just as they are, but we love you too much to let you stay that way”

[7] ffrf.org 

[8] newsweek.com

[9] pastorlocke.com

[10] washingtonpost.com 

[11] bbc.com 

[12] au.org

[13] independent.co.uk 

[14] thepinknews.com 

[15] tennessean

[16] WP dividing

[17] upi irs

[18] tennesean protests

[19] au irs must investigate

[20] Locke demon slayer