
Eq Learning

We all know about EQ - Emotional Intelligence. But just what is it? When you apply the term to itself, it means to have a mix of the following skills:

Self-awareness is self-awareness the whole truth and nothing but the whole truth. It is always evolving. Never stop trying to get better at it. So, I would say that this is an important part of our overall success as we move through life's challenges. The better we get at self-awareness, the more at ease we'll be with the new things in our own lives and situations which will arise.

Self-regulation is emotional intelligence in action. If you're doing things that make you feel great, you'll also have the ability to do things that get you exactly what you want. Having the ability to effectively regulate your emotions is a skill we all need to master. And with good support of friends and family and appropriate early evolution of self-regulation skills, the whole emotional intelligence process becomes a whole lot simpler and our relationships and interactions become more fulfilling.

Interpersonal competency is emotional intelligence working together with social intelligence. This is most likely the most crucial part of the entire equation. Most people think they are emotional intelligent but they are not. They think they have great interpersonal skills and are great at getting along with people but actually they are not. Getting better at interpersonally competent EQ will put you on the path to better EQ learning and success.

The third component of the entire formula for success is leadership report: this is where we take what we have heard about the self-regulating and interpersonal skills and apply them to leadership situations. A good leader must understand himself and others and be able to anticipate what their needs are and how to best fulfill those needs. Learning leadership skills and being able to apply these are the key to true success and thus the focus of this third component of our three-part formulation for EQ-i.

Developing Emotional Intelligence - The final component of our formula for success is emotional intelligence. What I mean by this is we develop and hone our ability to manage our own and social information and feelings and to effectively communicate these in effective and effective ways. In the last analysis, everyone can attain true success by developing and fine-tuning their personal emotional intelligence.

Why is it so important to learn emotional intelligence? Quite simply because:"We create what we feel," (emotionally intelligent men and women feel) and they make what they plan (consciously aims ). Therefore, one important lesson to learn is that we don't always have a choice in the way we plan our lives. But, we do have a choice in how we feel, and one way to master this ability is through ongoing professional EQ training.

Are you ready to take your company to the next level? Are you ready to take your work force and to the next level? Otherwise, get your employees on board with the latest and greatest emotional intelligence development and formula for success: the three Rs of the EQ-i. Get your team involved, and have them complete the entire 360 degree brand upgrade for success: January 4th.

If you are a new business, or have been a company for less than six months, then I highly suggest that you take this month to start your own brand upgrade by getting your people involved. Invest in an Emotional Intelligence assessment and a complete 360 degree interactive skill development package, and send each of your workers to the skill development centre for training. If you are an existing company with more than ten employees, you will want to receive your people involved in this effort as well, but you'll want to set aside a couple of weeks to get the job done. This is a superb way to collect new talent, learn how each of your team members communicates with one another, and build your training expertise. (coached learning, anyone?) The Emotional Intelligence assessment will give your CFO and CEO some numbers to look at which will show him/her which departments need more focus, and which departments are doing just fine.

If you are in Dubai, take four weeks and find all your workers trained in Emotional Intelligence, along with the other core assessments and training you need. Then schedule a seminar for all your departmental heads and supervisors, along with your UAE management group, to get all the details in on how to improve your corporate culture, operations, and leadership. Attend this seminar, and then spend one full week shadowing the seminar's main instructor, to be able to gain an even greater understanding of the materials covered, and to see if you have any queries. The UAE is a rapidly growing Middle Eastern country, and the opportunities for upward motion are plentiful. In case you've got the enthusiasm for improving your business skills and possess a desire to see your corporation soar, then investing in the knowledge and skills of an expert Emotional Intelligence coach in Dubai may be just the ticket to your professional success.

My recommendation to corporate leaders throughout the world is to get a high quality EKG done, and schedule an intensive three-day skill development seminar for all departmental heads and supervisors, during the second quarter of the year. Attend the seminar taught by the main teacher of Emotional Intelligence, and gain hands-on instruction on the latest research, from two of the world's top researchers in the science of Emotion. Throughout the seminar, the principal instructor will demonstrate her new real-life case study, which will have a profound and immediate impact on your employees, in addition to the skills and knowledge of the entire team. The goal of this seminar is to show corporate leaders that their firm has the power to not only increase productivity but enhance employee happiness, engagement, and retention, while building a solid foundation of ethics and character. You'll also have the advantage of witnessing firsthand the skills and processes needed for building a highly skilled and productive Emotional Intelligence team.