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Our website provides synthetic stock exchange market where you can purchase digital shares of Internet projects. Buying digital shares of a project you are receiving rights to gain dividends from this project and at any time you can sell your shares for the best price. Each digital share brings a dividend on your account on the daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The amount of dividend depends on project.
Your income includes dividends and growing price of shares.
You have money as dividend from your shares. You can purchase shares at the shares page.
Also big part of revenue comes from the purchases made by your referrals. You will get paid 60% commission from every transaction they made.
Invite referrals from blogs, forums, and traffic exchange sites. Please see promotion materials at the "Invite Referrals" web page.
You can choose if you want to be paid by Paypal, Perfect Money, Bitcoin or Litecoin.
Payments are issued in US dollars.
If there are sufficient funds on your account you can request a cash-out. Usually the request processing takes 2 - 3 business days.
You can live everywhere in the world and manage our program. No limits by country or language.
To cancel your account please login to your account and click on "Account" and then "Delete Account". Then click on the link "Click here to delete your account". Then click "Ok" to confirm the account deletion. After that all your content, including user information and logs, will be permanently removed from our server.
We cannot charge your credit card because we don’t have your credit card information and we don’t have access to your account.
You can make withdrawal at any time if there are sufficient funds on your account.
You have amount available to withdraw: 0.02
Sometimes part of your funds is pending. For security reason we hold, for a while, the earnings that you received from referrals.
Also we freeze funds which are received through Visa, Master Card or Paypal for 11 days.
To avoid the funds freezing make purchases using Perfect Money, Bitcoin or Litecoin instead of Paypal. If you do not have Perfect Money, Bitcoin or Litecoin you can buy them at any currency exchange. To find a currency exchange search on Google for ’buy bitcoin with visa mastercard’.
You can see pending transactions at the Transactions web page.
You can choose if you want to be paid by Paypal, Perfect Money, Bitcoin or Litecoin.
Payments are issued in US dollars.
Usually the withdrawal request takes 3 - 4 business days.
You can withdraw minimum $8.00 once in 29 days.
The monthly withdrawal amount will be increased if you purchase using Perfect Money, Bitcoin or Litecoin.
You can open a free cryptocurrency wallet (bitcoin, litecoin, etc.) at:
It is unical wallet because it does not charge any money for sending funds.
you are able to have only one account.
Because the money you pay, are going directly to the issuers, we don't provide refunds.
All refunds considered like fraud and are subject of investigation by our legal department.
Your personal Wall allows the posting of messages, short or temporal notes, for the user to see while displaying the time and date the message was written. Your Wall is visible to anyone. Other users can post comments to your Wall.
You can deposit your funds via Visa, Master Card, Paypal, Perfect Money, Bitcoin or Litecoin.
Please use the Perfect Money, Bitcoin or Litecoin instead of Paypal.
You can open a free cryptocurrency (Bitcoin or Litecoin) wallet at:
You can purchase Bitcoin or Litecoin using your debit card at:
It is unical wallet because it does not charge any money for sending funds.
Buying digital shares of a project you are receiving rights to gain dividends from this project and at any time you can sell your shares for the best price. Each digital share brings a dividend on your account on the daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The amount of dividend depends on project.
Your income includes dividends and growing price of shares.
To purchase a share open the All projects web page and click the Buy button.
To sell your shares open the "My shares" web page, select a share and click the "Sell" button. Then specify the amount you want to receive for each share, and enter the number of shares that you want to sell.
If you want to sell your shares quick specify the less price. The shares with less price will be sold first.
Also the time between when your shares are on sale before they are actually will be sold out, depends on the activity on market. If market is slow and there are no buyers willing to buy the shares you will wait longer.
There are Representatives from various countries fluent in a large variety of languages ready to assist you. Click here to view the Regional Representatives.
You receive bonus points when you are making purchases or when you are bringing referrals and yours referrals are making purchases, or when you are issuing own shares, or when you are performing jobs.
You are receiving bonus points when you are inviting new investors.
More bonus points you have, you can make withdrawals more often and bigger.