
QR Code on Medicine: Its Benefit and Challenges

Benefits and Challenges of QR Codes in Medicine : Akums.in



Table of Content

·        An Introduction

·        Why Use QR codes

·        Conventional Vs Digitalization

·        Benefits of Using QR codes

·        Akums Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


An Introduction

A pharmaceutical company is serving the mankind for ages and it is the mode of survival and hope of many to get going. A lot of changes added spark to the industry whereas some proved a challenge. With the utmost vigilant sector of manufacturing, it religiously follows all the rules and regulations. The law-abiding sector which maintains compliance profoundly faces many challenges on regular basis. For instance, the threat of product counterfeiting concern and retailers charging unfair prices for medicines a piece of common news.

 Why Use QR Codes?

Along with this, the pharmaceutical sector is associated with legal liabilities too where it is quite evident that nobody wants to face the unfavorable consequences for any unspecified or indefinite side effects that a consumer may get. It is pretty much sure that contract manufacturing in pharma has done an exceedingly brilliant job yet certain limitations need to be given due attention. So to deal with all these ongoing issues and address the concerns more specifically QR codes have been introduced.


Conventional Vs Digitalisation

Though there are conventional ways of sharing information with the customers like product manuals that acquaint the customers with the company’s product as every customer wants to know everything about the product they are buying. There are certain limitations with product manuals they have restricted space for giving details which gives way to displaying only selective details. Presentation of multimedia content like video is not a possibility with the manual. In case the company shares a link to demonstrate something it becomes tiring and long work for customers to take it up. Like typing the link detail, getting it functioning, etc. A convenient way to combat such issues is using QR codes and flawlessly used by Pharma Contract Manufacturing in India. They are two-dimensional barcodes that can store a lot of information which is the preference of many big shots to keep their customers fully acquainted as it has the following benefits:

 Benefits of Using QR Codes

  • QR codes associated with software that has price data of all the brands keep the customers updated on the increase or decrease in the price of a pharmaceutical product. Scanning of codes gives the accurate price of medicine.
  • The authenticity of the medicines also gets verified with QR codes as the government also mentioned encoding the technical aspects and information in them. The scanning verifies the legality of the medicine.
  • It also helps to access the long and detailed videos on guiding the prescription and proving as detailed medical assistance as QR Code-based videos solve the complications related to medical assistance. This treats as an online medical guide as, amongst a wide range of medications, videos and images make their task easy.
  • In-depth product detailing is given to the customers through QR codes.
  • QR codes help to build your brand’s image and legitimacy as it helps to conduct surveys and collect reviews. Most people go by reading the reviews and feedback available.

Third-party pharma manufacturing has made it convenient and practiced to use QR codes for their customers by making it a habit of putting them on all pharmaceutical Products. Though there are certain concerns shared by the customers regarding their data getting shared with others, due to which sometimes people don't use it promptly but that percentage is very less. Other than that, QR codes in the pharmaceutical sector are doing a fairly good job. QR codes have been proven as a reflection of the brand's integrity.

Akums Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Akums Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is a Third-Party Manufacturer of Pharma that is WHO-GMP certified and holds a high reputation in this sector. Moving ahead of time with a technology-driven approach is their forte and that’s why they are looked up to by their co-manufacturers. They are in habit of setting a benchmark for others and thus looking at their Experience, they have been using these QR codes successfully for so long. The authenticity and purity they display through their endeavors speak volumes about their productivity.

Key Takeaways

·        Pharmaceutical Sector, being a law-abiding sector, which maintains compliance profoundly faces many challenges on regular basis.

·        The authenticity of the medicines gets verified with QR codes as the government also mentioned encoding the technical aspects and information in them. QR codes have been proven as a reflection of the brand's integrity.

·        Akums Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is a Third-Party Manufacturer of Pharma that is WHO-GMP certified and holds a high reputation in this sector.