
Mastering your food cravings – Stephanie Dodier

And I became lonely no friends in that new neighborhood and I used food to not feel lonely, and then my journey with what I didn’t know at the time an emotional relationship to food began.

And, I went to school, got a diploma in health science, and for some reason I ended up in business for 15 years. Completely different course, but that got me to a point at the age of 36 where I had a commonly known as nervous breakdown.

Ended up in hospital with severe panic attack and at that time I was about 300 pounds. And I needed a solution for my panic attack and the doctor solution was anti-depression and anxiety medication, and I decided intuitively I don’t know where but there was a voice that was telling me this is not the solution.

I went back to school, became a nutritionist, opened a clinic, saw volumes of patients for about three years I looked at every angle possible to try to heal what I believed at the time was simply nutrition, food and exercise, and I lost a bunch of weight, but I became a statistic.

I lost the weight and I gained some back. It was not about sugar craving, because I was eating real food, low-carb. I wasn’t craving sugar, I was using food emotionally.


Source: https://www.dietdoctor.com/mastering-your-food-cravings-stephanie-dodier