In the old days, photographs were in black and white. Now, photograph are in colours. Photography has progressed so much due to modern technology and these days, we can use smartphones that comes with two to four cameras fitted in it that will enable us to take clear and beautiful photos.
Have you come across old black and white photos in one of your family photo albums? I am sure you have noticed how the people in those old photos were so stiff and formal, and most of them don’t even smile. These photos look so unnatural compared to the photos we take these days.

What are the benefits of photography? Photographs keep our memory fresh. Many of us still keep photos of our grandparents and people who are no longer with us. We preserved these photos to show to our younger generations. Most of us keep photos of our children when they were newly born and photo of their growing up years. At that time many cannot afford to own a camera and we usually have photos taken in photo booths. Remember those photo booth backdrops in those photos?

In old photos, we don’t have much choice with photography background. Even when there were coloured photos, most of the background were in plain colours. These days, we are spoiled for choice with a wide range of photography background. We can choose the background to suit the different events or occasions.
How many of us still have our schooldays photos with us? We used to have fun trying to identify who is who in the old photos whenever we meet up with old classmates or schoolmates. These were usually class photos and they were formal photos with everyone wearing their school uniforms with the form teacher seated in the center front. The front of the school building is usually used as the school photo background in most of our photos.

As we visit homes, it is common to see family photos and graduation photos hung on the walls of living room or on piano tops. The year of the class is commonly used as the graduation background for most graduation photos. Other than these photos, wedding photos and baby photos are also displayed and these usually serve as conversation topics when family members and friends come together. You can visit to see the different types of photo backgrounds available for the various types of photography.