If you are looking to hire software developers and want to learn about the hourly rates of web developers, we have curated this guide for you!
Asia has the most significant number of software developers, a pioneering software outsourcing destination compared to other countries., with 10 million. The hourly rates of software developers across the continent are shaped by various aspects and differ significantly from country to country.
India, the Philippines, and China are the three major countries offering custom software engineering services. Let’s drill down the software development services across the top three Asian countries to make things easy for you:
The entrepreneurs who wish to execute their ideas by building top-notch solutions at affordable rates consider hiring Indian developers. India is one of the best countries to outsource software requirements.
Hiring an offshore developer from Asian countries is the most budget-friendly option. Explicitly speaking about India, the range to hire developers starts from $18 for a junior developer and goes up to $40/hr. Here are why the country is one of the most preferred outsourcing choices:
- As per A.T Kearney Global Service Location Index 2019, India tops the list of the most attractive outsourcing destinations.
- The country has 100 million English-speaking people in the world. And by the end of this year, there will be more than 2 billion English speakers in the country.
- Approximately 1.5 million engineering graduates pass out of college every year.
- More than 200,000 IT graduates add up to the Indian workforce annually. Besides, the country has the youngest employable population globally.
- In the upcoming years, 40% of professionals will train themselves according to the latest technology to meet the advanced industry requirements.
Philippines is another country with the fastest-growing IT industry. With more than 200 offshore software companies and 95000 technical positions, it is considered the second-best country to build software teams overseas. According to the data by Teleport & Best jobs, the salary for junior software developers in Manila ranges from $3.5-$6 per hour, in Quezon ranges from $4-$7 per hour, and in Cebu, it goes anywhere between $5-$6 per hour.
Among other Asian countries, China has considered s the third-best for hiring mobile app developers or web developers. Chinese developers are the first among all HackerRank challenges. Today, there are more than 50 science and technology industrial parks. In China, the overall revenue in the software development industry is expected to increase by 6.9 percent in the upcoming five years, reaching $1.2 trillion.