
Hosea’s Prophecy Links To His Marriage

January 30


Straight from the Pastor’s heart by Dr. Hernes Abante 


Hosea 1:2 - “The beginning of the word of the LORD by Hosea. And the LORD said to Hosea, Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms: for the land hath committed great whoredom, departing from the LORD.”

The prophet Hosea had a unique experience in delivering his message. Unlike other prophets, his personal life was closely intertwined with his prophetic words. He was told to marry a woman whom he knew would eventually betray his trust and even named his children in a way that symbolized judgment on Israel. 

His marriage and family depicted the cycle of repentance, redemption, and restoration he prophesied about. His message was not only heard through his words but also through his personal life, which served as a powerful illustration of the message he was delivering.

Hosea’s life highlights that the teachings in the Scriptures are not just mere abstract concepts, but they hold significant relevance in people's real lives. It emphasizes that the teachings can reflect our daily actions and relationships that affect us daily. It reminds us that the Scriptures are not just a book but an essential guide to help us navigate the complexities of life.

The book of Hosea is marked by a recurring theme that emphasizes how, despite the impending judgment on sin, God remains committed to bringing His people back to Himself. It shows the enduring love of God for Israel, a nation of people who were more focused on their interests than on following God's guidance for their lives. This love is brought to the forefront against the backdrop of Israel's pervasive idolatry and injustice, making it shine all the brighter.

In Hosea's book, he describes how the Israelites turned away from God and worshiped other gods (4:12–3; 8:5–6). Their inclination towards idolatry led them to live as if they were not God's chosen people. Despite Hosea's third child, Lo-Ammi, being a reminder of this fact, God promised to restore their relationship with Him. He referred to them as 'sons' in a personal and intimate manner (1:9–10; 11:1) while doing so.

Hosea exemplifies God's love and forgiveness towards those who have abandoned Him. It also teaches us about forgiveness and restoration. His life teaches that no one is exempted from the opportunity to receive forgiveness, as God offers it to everyone. 

While God may punish those who turn away from Him, Hosea's inspiring act of restoring his marriage sets a high standard for those who aspire to live a godly life.

Our Prayer for today:

Dear Lord, the marriage of Hosea has helped us see the love You continue to bestow upon us. Despite the cycle of wickedness, repentance, redemption, and restoration, You never cease to reach out. Such abounding grace must give us the desire to be like Jesus in life and in service. Like Hosea, may we be gracious, forgiving, and obedient to Your will and desire. In the name of Jesus. Amen!