
How to Prepare Notes for MPPSC Exam Preparation

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jyiti makhija @jyiti_makhija · Jun 16, 2021

Making notes for any exam is very important for cracking it and scoring high grades. And obviously, if students prepare notes for SSE, it will definitely help them to revise the whole syllabus in short duration. Plus, making the perfect and systematic MPPSC notes simplify the difficult topics. It’s next to impossible to revise all the textbooks a night before the exams. So, in that case, making short notes is really a sigh of relief. Another good thing about making notes is students can study the whole syllabus in lesser words jotting down the relevant and important points in short. 

Making mppsc notes also help students to think and write precisely and to the point. This habit of writing helps them to write well in exams also. Altogether, making MPPSC notes is a good idea to avoid going through voluminous syllabus all over again. For all the students who are appearing for MPPSC exams, these tips to prepare MPPSC notes do really help. 

Guide For Making Self Short MPPSC Notes

You might have listened so many times from your guide, teachers, and seniors that making small notes is very helpful and important. Yeah! Even we agree. But the real problem is how to prepare notes in a concise and reader-friendly manner. Before we move on to know the step-by-step guide on making of notes, take these tips. 

  • Students should make separate notes for Prelims and mains. This is because, in the prelims exam, the topics covered is precise while in the mains exams extensively all the syllabus must be covered.
  • Students can even make short notes for appearing in the interview. Before the interview, students can go through these short MPPSC notes to quickly read and remind themselves of the important things to do. 

What Are The Significant Things To Add in the Notes? 

This is another crucial and very important question whose answer is way too simple. As we have already mentioned that students should prepare notes very precisely otherwise there will be no difference in the book and short notes. So, it is very important to decide what to include and what can be avoided in the short notes. Relevance and adding facts and figures will really help. There is also a rule of thumb set by the experts that students should make notes for the topics in current affairs for prelims and for GS in the mains exam. 

Steps For Making Short MPPSC notes. 

Although almost all the students have done it while studying at college and school but it’s a bit different and tricky for examination level like MPPSC. Let’s check it out with a simple breakdown in steps. 

Step 1 - Maintain a Separate Note Book 

The very first thing to start making notes is to buy a separate and dedicated notebook or register or file to keep and prepare your MPPSC notes. This is completely the choice of the students that how they are comfortable with. Whether they like to prepare notes in a notebook or flip cards or something else. Most of the students prefer flip cards because they are handy, time-saving, and convenient for revising at the eleventh hour. Registers are also good but it is difficult to carry along. So, choose the one which is easily carried so that you can learn even while traveling. 

Step 2 - Breakdown the Syllabus 

It’s impractical to make notes of whole syllabus in a single day. It is advisable to breakdown the syllabus into months, week, and if possible, days. There are two ways to divide the syllabus. Either divide it topic-wise or subject-wise. It is preferred to make a mix of both i.e. to divide the whole notebook subject-wise and further sub-divide it into topic-wise. Mention the topic name and highlight subheadings in large fonts so that you can easily recognize which topic is it. This saves time. 

Step 3 - Underline/Highlight the Key points 

The habit of underlining the key points and phrases is very good because it is quickly readable and easy to catch the attention of the students. Try to make the notes in bullet points rather than writing long paragraphs. Divide the notes into short paragraphs.

Step 4 - Digital Notes 

The world today is digitalized. Everyone makes use of a smartphone and there could be no better use of these smartphones than making digital MPPSC notes. There are several apps available today like Evernote, Notepad, etc. that you can make use of to prepare MPPSC notes. 

Digital notes are easier and handier. Finding any text is just a matter of second which is not that easy in physical notebooks. 

Step 5 - Write One line For One Paragraph 

This is the thumb rule for making MPPSC notes, given by one of the toppers in the last examination. The rule is simple, students should write only one line for one paragraph. This brings preciseness for making notes. However, what students are writing in that one line is very crucial. It should be in such a way that it describes the whole paragraph into that one line. 

Step 6 - Write in Good handwriting 

It happens that many a times students write in a hurry and forget about good writing. But that could be a negative point at the time of revising the syllabus. Because due to bad handwriting it happens that the one who has written it can’t understand. So, write legibly. 


So, that’s how students can prepare MPPSC notes easily and take the benefits of those notes a day before exams. Well, the suggestions given above are advisable but for sure it gives the best return to the students and makes it easy for them to revise the complete syllabus in a few hours.