Work Life balance is always difficult to manage. Work culture is quite difficult to manage with personal life. It always affects the personal life on a day-to-day basis. But the human resource department knows that work life balance is important to every employee. And maintaining stability in personal and professional lives gives more time to handle both at the same time. Nowadays people are struggling with 9 to 5 jobs. It’s hard to be fully invested and engaged at work and in personal life at the same time.
The relationship between work life balance and employee engagement shows the employee wellbeing. Mental health of employee’s dictates how their personal and professional life are going on. An average person would probably work for eight hours a day and five days in a week. So it can be easy to maintain their work balance with this schedule. Otherwise Stressed employees struggle with work-life balance, and poor work-life balance leads to disengagement. A study reports that higher well being employees are more engaged with work.
So what’s an HR department to do
Employees are not only responsible for their infirmity. The main reason is the workload in the organization which an employee feels. Therefore, to address this issue, human resources can play a significant influence in whether or not employees feel empowered to strike a healthy work-life balance. And help to set the healthy work life balance with highly engagement of employees
Make Your Workplace a Place That Encourages Work-Life Balance
Work-life balance is now a must in today’s workforce due to the reality of burnout and outdated notions of productivity. Working after hours was formerly praised and regarded as a high-achieving behavior, but it has fallen out of favor because it frequently results in disengagement. The relationship between employee productivity and engagement has been better understood with mental health being. When an employee overworked or worked late to complete its target. So it is obvious to disengage and unsoundness .which may not be good for employees as well as organization because employee health is directly connected with productivity.
So the HR main role is to encourage a healthier, happier workforce by establishing a flexible workplace which is one of the simplest methods to improve work-life balance. By talking to employees, learning about their circumstances and issues, and attempting to determine why certain individuals failed. In order for employee engagement to rise, assist in making the employee comfortable with their work.
HR Encourage managers to focus on productivity rather than hours
Instead of keeping track of how many hours employees put in, HR might urge managers to concentrate on finishing a specific job. Sometimes employees are more productive in less time and vice–versa. So if the manager feels that their subordinates are not efficient enough to complete the task, they have to help them in increasing their productivity. i.e. Everyone has at least one chore on their to-do list that they keep putting off because they don’t want to do it. And that’s the one they should finish first. So get it off your plate as soon as you can rather than waiting until the last minute. You’ll stop worrying about that one task the entire day and your other activities will appear less challenging in contrast, which will increase overall productivity
Implement an Employee Mental Health Program to Support Employee Well-being
Wellness programs consider the employees ,mental,emotional and physical elements of an employee.
Every employer has adopted the employee mental health programme of employee well being. To support their subordinates, HR implements so many programmes to manage the employee’s work life . The company can offer on-site or remote guided meditation, yoga, stretch breaks, and mindfulness training and programs for managing employee mental health are proactive and provide knowledge and abilities to manage their well-being on a daily basis. So that employees may learn in real-time and refer to it as needed, workplace mental health training should include both live and on-demand training sessions.
Mandatory breaks
Working long hours does not equate to good output. Since people are not machines, it is apparent that they cannot work continuously and must take breaks in order to maintain their mental health. Long hours put an employee under stress. It is necessary to give employees breaks and support the maintenance of the work-life balance of both the employee and the firm since it causes chaos in their lives and prevents them from producing their work effectively.
Time-to-Time Feedbacks and Work-life Balance Surveys
The creation of a healthy work environment depends on regular employee evaluations. It is possible for situations to alter as times change, and keeping track of these changes is crucial if you want to implement successful remedies. These give businesses the chance to address issues that could stand in the way of attaining a positive work-life balance.
Organizations can get to know their employees better and address the concerns identified by taking input from them and conducting surveys of them.
Be Flexible With Schedules.
Flexible working is given priority to a fixed scheduler. 81% of employees want flexible working rather than fixed they have the desire to have the freedom to choose their schedule according to them or working . If your company isn’t accommodating, you could not only make it challenging for them to maintain a work-life balance but also significantly increase the stress in your employees’ lives. Therefore, strive to be more accommodating so that your employees can keep a healthy balance, whether you adopt a flexible working policy or just make tiny modifications to boost the flexibility of your working environment.
Timely appreciation and rewards
Another chance to promote life outside of work is through reward programmes that are created to recognize individual or team accomplishments. People can choose a reward that has special meaning to them by receiving vouchers or an experience. This demonstrates how employers respect their workers’ downtime and motivate them to make the most of it. Businesses can show their appreciation for their staff members’ unique personalities by giving them personalized presents that reflect their interests and show them how much they are appreciated on the team.