
Gabriel's Form

Name and Twitter username :
Pronouns and preferred pet name/terms of endearment:
Face Claim :
Platform & username : 
Current likings/Interests : 
TW/CW : 
Face Claim Request : 
What kind of lover do you expect me to be? Also, please tell me your preferred dynamics! : 
Typing Request 
- Language : (English/Indonesia/Bilingual)
- Style : (lowercase/sentencecase)
- Other details? :
Relationship: (BF/Bro/Bestie/...) with client as (dom/sub/switch)
Gabriel's role: (dom/sub/switch)
Gabriel Should :
Gabriel Shouldn't :
Extra note for Gabriel : 



Length of rent : ... (hour/day)
- Start date : (dd/mm/yy)
- End date : (dd/mm/yy)
Package : (Mocha/Red Eye/Doppio/Latte/Affogato)
Free toppings :

- Genshin date/Gamee date and PDA/Spotify Jam (choose one each)
- SFW Imagine : (YES/NO) in (English/Bahasa Indonesia)
- Upgrade to literate/plot? (paid toppings) : (YES/NO) in (English/Bahasa Indonesia)

Paid Additional Toppings :
 Kinks :
 Do's :
 Dont's :
 Safe word (must) :
 - Imagine/literate/dirty talk :
 - Plot/storyline : (Tell me the details)
 - Frontal/non-frontal :
 - NSFW hour starts at : (please tell me the exact hour/time)
 - Notes : 
Payment : QRIS.




This is the newest form of mine (March 2024). I am no longer using the Rentry.co one.
Just delete what you think is unnecessary. Filling the form means you are agree with all Gabriel's TnC. You may send your form to my bot (https://telegram.me/kingslayeurbot). Thank you!