
Avoid Toothache by Visiting Dentist

Dental caries, aka rotten teeth, is another cause you often experience pain in the teeth. Small cavities in the outer layer of the tooth (enamel) are usually painless, but once decay redeems through the enamel and affects the inner tooth (dentin), the tooth becomes extremely sensitive. If left unchecked, this condition then leads to the formation of a tooth opening. Therefore, checking your teeth regularly at Dentist near me is highly recommended.


In advanced dental caries, the decay takes place deeper, down to the innermost layer of the tooth (pulp), resulting in intense intense pain. Infection from tooth decay can cause tooth death and cause an abscess (clumping of pus) under the roots of the tooth. These infections can spread and cause more tooth decay and gum disease.


In addition, avoid the habit of grinding your teeth.

Do you have a habit of grinding your teeth during sleep? From now on, change this bad habit. The reason, the habit of grinding your teeth can cause nerve damage, which ultimately leads to complaints of pain in your teeth.

Most people can not realize they are doing this habit, especially during sleep. In addition, emotional stress and tension are the main causes of the habit of grinding teeth.


Swollen gums mean gums are inflamed. Inflammation has many causes, ranging from bacteria, viruses, fungi, conditions or conditions of the body, and other diseases that support it. 


Inflamed gums can also result from brushing teeth that can injure the gums. The habit of brushing the wrong teeth like this will gradually cause the gums to become sick. So easily inflamed and crawling. When you brush your teeth out the blood is visible from the toothpaste foam. This is something you should be aware of, as it may indicate a larger illness. Therefore you need to pay attention to how to brush your teeth properly.


Gums are sturdy tissue that is generally pink-colored because there are many small blood vessels and meetings. If the wrong in brushing teeth, causing tearing of blood vessels so that blood can come out. Not only other causes such as sensitive gums can also quickly injured due to friction brush teeth.


When the swollen gums will become very sensitive. It causes an infinitely painful feeling that is only felt by the sufferer. Swollen gums also bleed easily when brushing teeth. Located close to the face, swollen gums can also be seen on the cheek face. This can be seen on the asymmetrical face. This is all caused by the presence of asbestos or pus, bacteria, and wounds on the gums.