
Construction Cleaning in Gold Coast | After Builder Cleaning Gold Coast

After Builders Cleaning Gold Coast Checklist ! Dusting off all the areas in the property · Cleaning of carpets, rugs and All our services are guaranteed.

1 Thorough dusting of all surfaces including cupboards and benchtops
2 Upholstery, carpet and rug deep steam cleaning
3 Mopping hard floors including tiles and laminate flooring
4 Vacuuming of carpets and soft furnishings
5 Polishing and dusting of all hard surfaces
6 Detailing of fittings and fixtures, including tapware, light fittings and switches, door handles, rails, etc.
7 Window cleaning inside and out, including frames, sills, and coverings
8 Bathroom basins and vanities, tiles, showers, baths and toilets
9 All glass surfaces such as mirrors, picture frames and bannisters
10 Rubbish removal including builder's debris and leftover supplies
9 All glass surfaces such as mirrors, picture frames and bannisters
10 Rubbish removal including builder's debris and leftover supplies

11 Wet area detailing including kitchen sinks, laundries, ensuites and changerooms
12 Exterior courtyards and patios swept, and pressure cleane
13 Furnished and unfurnished homes
14 Appliance cleaning and kitchen cleaning
15 Spot cleaning and/or thorough washing of walls
16 Skirting boards and doorways
17 Accessory cleaning such as picture frames, artwork and décor
18 Polishing steel and metal surfaces to remove smudges and dust