
Shanti Kai - White Light

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shantikaifloweressences @shantikai · Mar 27, 2023 · edited: Apr 3, 2023

Price: $30.18-$51.42

Flower essence therapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses the vibrational energy of flowers to promote emotional and spiritual healing. This therapy is based on the idea that every flower has a unique energy signature that can help balance the emotions and restore the body's natural healing abilities.

Flower essences are made by infusing the energy of flowers into water, which is then preserved with brandy or another type of alcohol. The resulting liquid is highly diluted, with only trace amounts of the original flower material remaining in the final product. These essences are typically taken orally, either by adding drops to a glass of water or placing drops directly under the tongue.


Each flower essence is believed to have a unique healing property, which is associated with a particular emotional state. For example, Bach flower remedies, which are one of the most well-known types of flower essences, include essences for fear, anxiety, sadness, and other emotional imbalances. Other flower essence systems may include essences for different spiritual or energetic qualities, such as love, forgiveness, or clarity.


There is no better essence for new beginnings, fresh starts, or for experiencing rebirth, renewal, and total purity. Helps with opening up your energy to an influx of new inspiration, stimulation, and experience.

What do you do in the spring? You begin to uncover yourself, wear lighter clothing and experience rebirth in and around you. White, a color closely tied to spring and summer, reflects the sun rays and thus helps keeps you cool, while energetically, it reflects negativity and helps keep you pure. Much like you adorn your physical body in lighter fashions, energetically, you sometimes need to wear white.Call now (808)-634-6284.


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