Copper utensils are considered a natural disinfectant. Water kept in a copper vessel is very good for heart, kidney and eyes. Water from a copper vessel helps in curing diseases related to your stomach and throat to a great extent by balancing the three doshas – Vata, Kapha and Pitta.
Anti-aging effects are also found in copper utensils which help in keeping your body young. Drinking water kept in a copper vessel on an empty stomach benefits the body a lot.
Effective for many problems related to the Body
Water kept in a copper vessel can be useful in curing many diseases related to the body naturally. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are all balanced in the body by drinking water kept in a copper vessel. However, for this it is necessary that water should be kept in the copper vessel for at least 8 hours.
Water kept in a copper vessel does not become stale quickly and remains fresh for a long time. Water kept in a copper vessel reacts chemically with copper. Due to which it has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. It proves helpful in curing many types of diseases.
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