Declinations can bring you down! Especially when it's a partner visa operation. The study of continuing to being down from your mate when your UK visa operation to join them is refused can be disheartening. Particularly when you find that it was completely avoidable and taking some measures in advance could have saved the day.
Generally, when a UK Spouse Visa Application is refused, the notice includes the reasons for turndown, still this may not always be tone-explicatory.
👉🏻 The Top 3 Partner Visa Turndown Reasons 👈🏻
1. Not furnishing the supporting/ needed attestation
According to the UK immigration rules, you're needed to give specific documents mentioned in the operation as well as any other supporting documents like a bank statement, evidence of identity, etc.
Some introductory but obligatory attestation conditions are
- Marriage instrument
- Substantiation that any former relationship has ended
- National Insurance, Aadhaar Card number
- Details of accommodation arranged in the UK
- Bank statements (of the aspirant or the guarantor) that prove you can meet the minimal fiscal demand
- Guarantor’s British passport or documents proving Indefinite Leave to Remain
These are some important conditions, among many. However, your operation is likely to be refused, If you fail to give any form of substantiation.
2. Non-disclosure of felonious records
The UK Immigration rules state that – “ Immigration operations are needed to expose all offences and consequent penalties both in the UK and overseas, in addition to other applicable information about their conduct, character and associates. Operation forms make clear to aspirants where they must expose this information and that failure to declare it may lead to turndown of the operation”
It can be tempting to conceal details of any civil or felonious cases, cautions or judgements as bone doesn’t want to prejudice their operation. Still, the aspirant must declare all persuasions, police cautions on your operation no matter how trivial
3. Not furnishing acceptable substantiation for the relationship
Immigration officers are trained to find any spots or signs of fraudulent conditioning or sham marriages. Hence, you need to insure your operation to not gesture any reason for dubitation. To give as important information as you can about your relationship.
If you think you meet the requirements of a UK spouse visa and are considering applying for the same or have had your UK spouse visa application refused, You can contact The SmartMove2UK on +91 98191 27002 or Email at for any advice or assistance.