
Ruddock Reptiles

 Updates are finally in order.  We've got some good things going on here at 

and some not so good things.  On the negative side, we're pretty sure that Big Bertha didn't take this year and we're under the impression that the pastel just wasn't ready yet and was still too juvenile to be fertile.  We were pretty disappointed by that, but there's always next year!  The female Viper Boa is still showing signs of being pregnant so we're still hopeful that she's going to be due in June sometime, but the most recent happenings have to do with the Corn Snakes.  Boo and Bandit are both at a breeding weight and have been showing a lot of interest in each other when I get them out to feed, so I decided to throw them together and see what happens, and they've locked up 3 times now over the past 5 days!  I'm really excited and not sure what to expect, but I'm going to put them together a few more times over the next 5 days and watch to see what happens.  We may have corns earlier than we thought!

As for the site you may have noticed we FINALLY got around to working on it some more (sorry for the extreme delays) and our Collection page is now up and functional.  The Field Herping Journal is now updated as well with pictures and up to date posts.  The newest additions, however, have been the new Care Sheets added to the Care Sheets page, and for all of you future field herpers that just don't know where to start, we've come up with a few quick guides to help get your field herping feet on the ground and some snakes in your sights!  Enjoy the new additions and stay tuned for more here shortly as the Herping and Breeding seasons are well underway here at Ruddock Reptiles, where everybody could use just a little R&R!

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 Howdy!  Just a quick update on the site and the collection.  We're slowly working on this bad boy and hope to have all of the pictures back up soon.  Because of copyright issues, you'll notice that we've added a little watermark to our pictures on here to deter any type of

 idea theft.  Also, on a more important note, I won a photocontest and as my prize I was awarded a beautiful '07 Boa Constrictor Imperator from Jay over at Chico Reptiles.  I just want to say thanks again Jay!  Hope ya'll continue to enjoy Ruddock Reptiles.  Be on the lookout for new photos, a new field herping season, hopefully some available snakes, new caresheets, and plenty of fun on here in the near future!  Enjoy!


Well, If ya'll haven't noticed we've done a little bit of a makeover here.  That's right, we sat down and actually learned how to make a website work right!  Good news is we should be doing tons more in the months to come and this little blog spot should fill ya'll in on what's going on with Ruddock Reptiles and whatever else we feel is worth mentioning.  Have a look around and enjoy yourself here at Ruddock Reptiles... cause everyone needs a little R&R.
       ~Payton & Chase

 Another wonderful surprise!  The two viper boas that I had imported in early December came in healthy and are doing great, but I got more than I had originally bargained for.  My girl is preggo!  She hasn't eaten since I got her and her backend continues to get more and more swollen, so I'm extremely excited and fairly certain that she was imported having already been bred.  Now, this wasn't exactly what I was hoping for, but nobody is going to turn down babies right!  Anyways stay posted for updates on her and Big Bertha as we're both excited about the next few months!

 Good news everyone, Ruddock Reptiles is finally off and rolling!  Our first hook-up is in its process and the ball pythons are going at it!  I stayed home sick the other day and chose the right time to walk in!  I caught the pastel and Big Bertha getting it on with a little good morning lovin'.  I'll be sure to keep ya'll posted as things progress, and I'm planning on reintroducing them every couple of days until they seem to be through.  Hope ya'll are just as psyched as I am!


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