Logos can give you a marketing edge over rivals and many other benefits like brand identity and recognition. But did you know? If your design is bad then expect the opposite of these things. If your logo is not fulfilling its tasks then probably it is poorly designed and you wouldn’t get any benefit from it.
In this article, you will know how to avoid getting a bad logo designed for your brand. Let’s get started.
This is perhaps the most widespread problem, amateur designers and entrepreneurs think complex logos will bring profitability and brand identity. They are mistaken; the main characteristic of any professionally designed logo is that it is always simple and plain. Simpler designs always catch the attention of an audience.
The reason complex designs are a poor choice is that they are hard to understand, they create confusion and distraction.
Another characteristic of a poorly designed logo is that it contains many details and people find it hard to understand. Many marketers say this generation has the shortest span of attention which is less than 10 seconds. So, detailed designs make a bad choice to attract your potential customers.
Your custom logo design must not contain many details. Keeping things simpler will greatly benefit you. That’s why many famous brands have kept their emblems simple.
You can change your pair of shoes in a while because you want to keep up with the trends, but, that shouldn’t be the case with logos. Trends fade away within a couple of years, while your design has to stay for a long term. Many famous names in the market don’t have any trendy elements on their designs.
To avoid this mistake, always include those fonts and elements on your design that don’t follow any trends.
Many colours:
Yes, colours do play a crucial role in giving your custom logo the final touch and meanings. You probably have heard about colour psychology. Colours have different meanings and they can communicate your brand’s message if you add the relevant colours to your design. Wrong colours will change the meanings of your logo.
Furthermore, emblems that have many colours look messy and confusing. Never add more than few colours to your emblem.
Understandably, many ventures and start-ups have tight budgets and they prefer not to invest in their emblems and go for cheaper or free options. Never expect to get superior quality and professionalism from these sources. They are cheap or free for a reason; they wouldn’t bring any good but certainly will bring bad outcomes.
Remember great things cost money and they don’t cost a lot. You can buy logo online for a couple of hundreds. These designs are designed by professional and seasoned designers.
Not unique:
After all, the main purpose of any emblem is to give brand identity, recognition and brand personality to the business. This cannot be achieved by having an emblem that is not different. It has to stand out from the crowd, to do that your emblem has to be unique and creatively designed.
Though, keep in mind that it should be different but also relevant to the industry you are engaged to. Otherwise, it will end up becoming another bad design.
You should avoid all these aforementioned factors to get the maximum benefit from your logo. Always buy a custom logo design from seasoned and professional designers. They are unique, versatile, simple and memorable. Hopefully, this article has provided you with useful insights.