
UPSC Syllabus – IAS Syllabus – UPSC Mains Syllabus

UPSC Mains syllabus, though more detailed than the ones in 2011 and 2012, still contains a lot of gray areas.

For e.g. under the topic “Conservation” under Environment (GS Paper-3) can contain an ocean of information. Yet for UPSC, you only need to study the conservation of Biodiversity; Energy and water resources; natural resources etc.

Even under this a lot of ambiguity and “under the sky” questions can be expected. So, in our mindmaps, these broad topics have been further broken down into sub-topics, and examples to help you understand what exactly to read, and what to avoid.

Under the conservation of biodiversity, you need to read – National Biodiversity Act, Conservation efforts for various species (elephant, tiger etc.), legal measures and policies to conserve international and national biodiversity, methods of conservation of bio-diversity etc.

All this has been represented graphically. We hope that aspirants get a lot of clarity on the syllabus and the exact demand of UPSC. All the best!