Steps to Plan & Create a Surprise Wedding Dance
Drinks, food, fun, songs & dances are what weddings are all about. Weddings can also be called an in-house carnival party where two people exchange vows and decide to stick by each other’s side forever. Surprise wedding dance or flash mobs are something that has started to gain a lot of popularity over a few years. Planning something on the same lines creates a great experience for both the bride and the groom. Generally, surprise dances are spearheaded by the bride & the groom’s friends, but it is always safe to book choreographer for wedding who can choreograph the performance in a certain manner. Let’s deep dive into a few crucial points that should be kept in mind while choreographing a surprise wedding dance.
Hire a choreographer for the wedding: Though it is not mandatory to hire a choreographer for wedding, people often hire choreographers for weddings just to enhance their performance. A choreographer always helps you with the proper techniques of dancing and in the end; you learn something from the choreographer. So if you have the budget, always go for a choreographer and take your performance to the next possible level.
Look for ideas: Everybody looks for some kind of motivation while planning their performance. Be it singing, be it dancing or any performance-related work, there are loads of motivations out there on the internet. You should look for them, get some ideas, and then start working on your performance accordingly. Once you have the idea, discuss the same with your choreographer and start working on the arrangement of the songs.
Song Arrangement: Music is the most crucial part as far as choreographing a dance number is considered. These kinds of surprise dance performances can be long and hence it is extremely essential to choose the right songs that can give you the pump and can keep the audience engrossed as well. Choosing just a single song for this kind of performance is not the right approach. People mix multiple songs that shape their performance. Before mixing songs always consult the hired choreographer for his / her inputs and then proceed accordingly.
Memorize the moves: After deciding the songs and the mood of your performance it is time to choreograph your performance. Choreographing a performance takes a lot of time and it is a huge task to design a dance performance that can be easily memorized. Not everybody is a born or skilled dancer and hence, the choreographer needs to stylize a dance that suits everybody’s potential. Simpler the steps easier it is to memorize and practice for everybody.