
The Impeachables!

Disposable (((N.W.O.))) $hark Teeth, Episode Infinity =))

PETITION TO CONGRESS & THE WHITE HOUSE: IMPEACH NANCY PELOSI FOR CRIMES OF TREASON: (...so another demon as bad or worse like ((($chumer))) will take her place seconds later LOL  Best not 2 focus on random demons but instead banning the entire DemonCrat party & N E similar 2 it as terrorist organizations 4 eternity.)


WHEREAS: The Constitution defines, "Treason against the US.. ..adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." Illegal Alien Criminals are enemies that invade our country with drugs, human trafficking, and terrorists, causing death and crime to the American people; and 
WHEREAS: Nancy Pelosi adheres to these foreign enemies by voting for and providing them aid and comfort through Sanctuary State Policies funded by US Citizen taxes, and refuses to protect the American people by refusing to fund our border wall and taking legal action against President Trump leaving our borders open and unsafe; and
WHEREAS: Speaker Pelosi refused to meet with the victims of Illegal Alien Criminals, has taken legal action against President Trump for declaring a national emergency to End the Border Crisis, and continues to threaten the National Security and Constitution of the United States;
THEREFORE: I URGE my Congressman, US Senators, and President Trump to immediately begin proceedings, actions, and votes to Impeach Speaker Nancy Pelosi for Crimes of Treason. I ALSO urge the Justice Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Federal Government to immediately investigate Nancy Pelosi and her ties to foreign illegal alien interests.


     (add your name here, blabla) Next page...


Dear Patriot,

Thank you for your action and petition signature to Impeach Nancy Pelosi for Crimes of Treason!

I trust in patriotic Americans like you to do what is right. Won't you send an emergency contribution to help deliver your petitions, faxes, and email blasts to Congress and the White House urging they Impeach Nancy Pelosi for Crimes of Treason?

     (begs 4 $)

= HAHA =))  "Do you dislike the smell of dog $hit?  Say 'yes' by sending $$$!"  LOL!!!

"WoW I sure hate splinters.  I'm gonna' send $10 2 the 'Anti-Splinter Foundation' & get on this!" =))