How to Stop Worrying About Mistakes at Work
How to stop worrying about work mistakes. How to overcome the anxiety of making a mistake at work. You can avoid making mistakes where you do.
To get ahead in the business world you must, of course, be wary of mistakes. But you should go ahead and make a few anyway, as long as you promptly own up to them. (how to stop worrying about mistakes made at work)
I have seen many underconfident executives–the hedgy type who cushion each statement, who always want to leave a near door open in case what they say turns out to be wrong–literally stagnate in their jobs.
Meanwhile the young , courageous men who always come through with an unhesitant and occasionally erroneous answer move ahead. Soon it is they who are giving orders to those whose major boast is that they “never made a mistake.” (how to stop worrying about mistakes made at work) Learn more