People might believe that forensic investigation is a new age process, but despite common misconceptions, it has been practiced for years. Forensic investigation is an inspection process used to validate existing policies violations or identify an unethical issue which can cause company /industry harm.
Use of tools
Forensic investigation involves use of analytical tools and resources to conduct investigations through advanced methods of analysis and speeding up the entire process to provide exceptional results and bring in efficiency. The most important factor in a forensic investigation is accuracy, finding out the evidence to substantiate/negate the claims, and to conduct a timely and highly accurate investigation transparently while maintaining confidentiality. There is a requirement of e-discovery labs for carrying out specialised e-discovery work.
Forensic investigation is the act of utilising science and tools to establish facts or evidence, which are to be used for crime-based trials or proceeding for the country or business. Despite the physical forensic investigation services, there are digital forensic investigation services too. Most people often think that it is only the law enforcement agencies that carry out forensic investigations, which in essence is not true. The forensic experts have stepped into corporate frauds to ensure forensic expertise. It is readily available for investigations if not within the companies, but it is available in the marketplace in form of consultants who workday in and out to find out frauds in the industry at various levels.
With corporates and small businesses, the role of the forensic investigator is quite important. In instances of white-collar crime, they are the first respondents in the scene, and their expertise and experience help to seize the criminals who commit such crimes.
Forensic investigation companies shield the business from fraudsters to a great extent. A growing business provides numerous opportunities for frauds, and forensic investigators spend their time mitigating those frauds.
There has been a lot of attention paid to anti-fraud controls yet still a criminal can attack and seek out new ways to defraud the company and get away with a lot of money. It is cat and mouse game between the criminal and the investigator. Therefore, it is important for an expert forensic investigator to put himself in the shoes of the criminal and think like a criminal in order to decipher the mind of the fraudster in order to prevent fraudulent activities from happening in the company.
Forensic investigation companies, like Netrika Consulting India, is one of the top players in the field of forensic investigations. The company provides one of the best forensic investigation services in order to address such is issues.
Reference Source:- https://blog.netrika.com/evolution-of-investigation/