
Organic Towels

One of the most obvious benefits of organic towels is their anti-microbial properties. They also feel good to touch, and are free of harmful chemicals and synthetic materials. Organic cotton towels are eco-friendly, while bamboo towels are sustainable and can be machine-washed. The prices of organic towels are usually higher than normal, but the benefits far outweigh the cost. Many organic absorbent companies also make organic towels. If you're looking for a new bathroom towel, consider switching to an organic cotton linen towel or a bamboo one.


Aside from its eco-friendliness, organic cotton towels are also soft on the skin. They provide extra warmth and comfort, and dermatologists often recommend them to patients who have skin allergies. Moreover, these towels are long-lasting and come in a variety of colors, designs, and patterns. No matter what your aesthetic taste, organic cotton towels are the way to go. If you are unsure about buying one, check out your local retailer for more information.


Organic cotton is more durable than conventional cotton. While conventional cotton tends to be soft, it is saturated with phthalates, ammonia, and heavy metals. These dyes can also be irritating to the skin. But with organic cotton, no toxins are used. Organic cotton is dyed with low-impact, fiber-reactive dyes. Organic cotton is also longer, resulting in long fibers. In addition to that, cotton that has been grown organically is much stronger and more durable than cotton that is grown with machine harvesting.


With 100% cotton, their organic towels are soft and durable, and suitable for all skin types. With quality products and customer focus, Organic towel companies also have recycling programs for old towels. The companies’ products are made from fair trade and organic cotton. You can order these towels directly from them to your door, and you'll be glad you did!