
Women care about physical appearance more than men

Women gossip more often than men about physical appearance (d=-0.8) and they gossip about 2.5 times as often about close friends and relatives.

Some more data hinting at the possibility that women secretly care more about looks than men:


Among friends, women gossip more about physical appearance (d = -.80), whereas men gossip more about achievement (d = .16).

http://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-012-0160-4 (Watson, 2012)


Female students are twice as talkative as males in collaborative tasks when they are physically close and in small groups (N = 79).

https://www.nature.com/articles/srep05604 (Onnela 2014)


50% of women, but only 19% of men reported having phone conversations lasting longer than 10 minutes, daily or weekly (N = 136).

http://doi.org/10.1007/bf00303101 (Aries 1983)


Men are more talkative in large mixed-sex groups, so overall the sex difference in talkativeness is small.

http://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-98939-010 (James & Drakich, 1993)


However, in a sample of N = 194 students, 71% of conversations between female students were gossip compared to 64% between male students.

(The data were "collected by having trained observers overhear conversations in the student lounge". Gossip is defined in a neutral way as "talking about a third person without their presence", regardless of tone or intention.)


56% of the women's targets but only 25% of the men's target were friends or relatives. Men rather gossiped about public figures and distant acquaintances (M 46% vs F 16%). No sex difference in derogatory tone.


Thus, women likely engage in nasty, personal gossip (.71 × .56) / (.64 × .25) ≈ 2.5 times as often as men. Perhaps even more often because such gossip might occur more often in small groups and women are twice as talkative in that setting.

http://doi.org/10.1007/BF00287594 (Levin & Arluke, 1985)


This roughly agrees with this more recent study that found women to be around twice as often described as "demanding/difficult" as men.


http://doi.org/10.1177/0003122417737951 (Offer 2017)


… so not only do women gossip more about physical appearance, they also gossip a lot more overall, so overall they possibly gossip about physical appearance more than 3 times as often as men.




Alpha fucks, beta bucks


Because ancestral women faced trade-offs in choosing mates, they may have evolved to pursue a dual-mating strategy in which they secured investment through one partner and obtained good genes through others. The dual-mating theory predicts that women will display greater interest in extra-pair sex near ovulation, especially if they are mated to a primary male partner who is low in sexual attractiveness. Forty-three normally ovulating women rated their partner's sexual attractiveness and separately reported their own desires and their partner's mate retention behaviors at high and low fertility (confirmed using luteinizing hormone tests). In the high-fertility session relative to the low, women who assessed their partners as being lower in sexual attractiveness reported greater extra-pair desires and more expressed love and attention from their male partners. Women's desire for their own partners did not differ significantly between high and low-fertility sessions.




  • There is abundant evidence that women, as well as men, desire long-term committed relationships; but there is also an emerging literature revealing a hidden side of women's desires suggesting that women have also evolved to pursue short-term or illicit affairs. The purpose of this article is to review these lines of evidence and other recent findings pertaining to the evolution of women's sexual strategies.



  • Women value the ability to provide economically in a long-term mate. Females in a wide variety of species (insects, birds, mammals) prefer males with resources, and the same is true for humans. Buss’s cross-cultural questionnaire study of 37 societies showed that women in all of them placed a higher value on the financial prospects of a prospective mate than men did. Closer questioning of an American sample showed that women prefer immediate access to resources when seeking short-term matings but place greater value on cues to future resource acquisition when evaluating long-term mates. If women act on these stated preferences we would expect wealthy men to have more mates, and there is ample cross cultural evidence that they do. The importance of resources to women is apparent even in egalitarian societies such as the Ache and the Sharanahua, where the best hunters are able to attract the most sexual partners.


  • Half of women have “back-ups”, men they keep close just in case they fail to establish a romantic relationship.





                  Ovulating women prefer masculine men, non-ovulating women prefer more effeminate guys.



                  Ovulating women prefer masculine “alpha” men, non-ovulating women prefer more feminine men.



                  Smiling makes men more attractive as husbands but not as hook-ups.



                  The number one factor determining wether women orgasm or not is their partners’ masculinity.





                  The number one factor determining wether women orgasm or not is their partners’ physical attractiveness.



                  Men with broader shoulders give women more orgasms.



                  The less attractive a man is the longer his female partner will make him wait for sex.



                  Women express what they sexually desire through affairs, not relationships.



                  The traits that make a man a good short-term fling and a good long-term partner are incompatible.



                  Sexually unrestricted women display more distinctive short-term and long-term preferences.

                  Good genes for short flings, good dads for long-term.



                  Norwegian and icelandic women choose to make children with good-looking low-IQ men.




Using a movie that morphs a very masculine male face (frame 1 of 700) into an androgynous face, the facial pictures and vertical lines indicate the mean location of participants’ dominant male (DOM), short-term mate (STM), long-term mate (LTM), average male (AVM) and androgynous face (AND) selections, with respect to experimentally assigned personality traits.

F1 (‘Friend’ factor) is composed of positive attributes such as sensitive, helpful and trustworthy.

F3 (‘Enemy’ factor) consists of undesirable attributes like selfish, controlling and threatening.

The ‘Lover’ factor (F2) includes sexually exciting, supportive and healthy.

The STM selection appears to be the best ‘good-genes’ choice (Lover factor), while avoiding the negative traits associated with high degrees of masculinity (Enemy factor). The LTM selection appears to trade off some ‘good genes’ attributes in favor of those required for a good friend and good father (included in F1)





  • Women value the ability to provide economically in a long-term mate. Females in a wide variety of species (insects, birds, mammals) prefer males with resources, and the same is true for humans. Buss’s cross-cultural questionnaire study of 37 societies showed that women in all of them placed a higher value on the financial prospects of a prospective mate than men did. Closer questioning of an American sample showed that women prefer immediate access to resources when seeking short-term matings but place greater value on cues to future resource acquisition when evaluating long-term mates. If women act on these stated preferences we would expect wealthy men to have more mates, and there is ample cross cultural evidence that they do. The importance of resources to women is apparent even in egalitarian societies such as the Ache and the Sharanahua, where the best hunters are able to attract the most sexual partners.



                  Women reveal the reason why they settled for their partners (article).


Alphas get all - Sexually successful/sexually experienced men are perceived as sexier


  • Mate poaching is a robust phenomenon, and it is here to stay. When single women see a moderately attractive male, they are more interested in him if they believe he is already in a relationship! In fact, one sizable study found 90 percent of single women were interested in a man who they believed was taken, while a mere 59 percent wanted him when told he was single.


She loses interest even in Alpha


  • Study shows that once a women 'bonds' or knows she has fully secured her mates commitment she will lose interest in sex. But women have evolved to have a high sex drive when they are initially in a relationship in order to form a "pair bond" with their partner. But, once this bond is sealed a woman's sexual appetite declines.



                  Women get tired of monogamy faster than men do.


How ovulation affects what women find attractive: she wants Alphas when she’s ovulating, betas when she’s not


  • Ovulating women prefer alpha fucks, non-ovulating women prefer beta bucks. A new study reveals that heterosexual women whose partners have less-masculine faces report more attraction to other men during ovulation. Women with masculine-looking partners said their eyes wander less, perhaps because the traits women tend to find sexy when they're fertile are already present in their partners.


  • Here, we show that women in the fertile phase of their cycle prefer body odor of males who score high on a questionnaire-based dominance scale (international personality items pool). In accordance with the theory of mixed mating strategies, this preference varies with relationship status, being much stronger in fertile women in stable relationships than in fertile single women.




Fertile women prefer manly men.



                  Fertile women want manly men.



  • In this study, 208 women rated the attractiveness of men described as single or attached. As predicted, partnered women favored attached men at the low-fertility phases of the menstrual cycle, but preferred single men (if masculine, i.e., advertising good genetic quality) when conception risk was high. Because men of higher genetic quality tend to be poorer partners and parents than men of lower genetic quality, women may profit from securing a stable investment from the latter, while obtaining good genes via extrapair mating with the former.



Statistics about rape





                  Rape is much more likely to lead to pregnancy than consensual sex. 3,1% of consensual intercourses vs 6,4% of rapes.


                  The chances of pregnancy are more than two times higher for rape intercourse (8%) than voluntary intercourse (3,1%).




Female reproductive hypergamy: few men have all women


  • 14% of US men account for 51% of male reproduction.


  • Only 47% of men have any children by the age of 45.
  • 47% of men are impregnating all the women. But it gets worse:
  • 17% had 1 child. So 17% of men account for 17% of children.
  • 16% had 2 children. So 16% of men account for 32% of children.
  • 30% of men account for EIGHTY THREE PERCENT (83%) of male reproduction in the USA.
  • 14% reported 3 or more children. They make up the difference. A whopping 51% of children.
  • 14% of men account for FIFTY ONE PERCENT (51%) of male reproduction in the USA.

It gets worse, because this is where you guys are right:

  • Of these men, a stunning 79% had their first child during their teens or 20's.
  • Men in their teens and 20's don't have shit going for them - their brains aren't even fully developed. Their "personalities" and "character" are absolute shitheaps, they don't have any money or wealth or status or even stable careers. All they have going for them at their age is a) looks and b) the shallow ephemeral social status of highschool locker rooms and college fraternities.
  • They are literally just hunky hot guys that fuck and impregnate 20-something year old women. And 14% of them are producing 51% of the children.




                  Women are biologically designed to breed only with the best man; men are biologically designed to breed with as many women as possible.



                  Evidence for female hypergamy.



                  8000 years ago one man would have children with 17 women and the other 16 men would have no children.



                  Humans have more female ancestors than male ancestors, even though the proportion at birth is 50% - 50%. Many more women reproduced than men did, with some men having children with many women while other men had no children with anyone.



                  Only 40 % of men and 80% of women who ever lived had offspring.



                  Being in a relationship makes a man appear much more attractive in the eyes of women.



                  Hypergamy has left 1/4 of norwegian men childless while that happens to women two times less often.



                  Women consider 5% of men acceptably attractive and 95% unattractive.



                  85% of human societies are polygamous and this appears to be a natural tendency.



                  Female sexual standards towards men are higher than male sexual standards towards women.



                  In free sexual markets a small portion of men have the vast majority of sexual encounters with women and the other men have little to nothing.

                  Women do their best to appear less promiscuous and look like having few sexual encounters, men do the opposite.



                  Women consider 80% of men are unattractive and the other 20% are between neutral and attractive.






Attraction Inequality and the Dating Economy



Female sexual hypergamy: all women flock to the same man


                  Men’s sexual interests are really varied while women’s are limited to one body type.



Study: Men show more interest in women of similar attractiveness to them, women always go for the "best guys" regardless of their own attractiveness.





Women are just as shallow as men


                  Evidence women are much more superficial and give much more importance to physique than men.





                  Women judge men based on their appearance before other traits by a large margin, regardless of how much they state they follow personality traits. Both women rating men as potential partners and mothers rating those same men as their daughters’ potential partners used the men’s physical attractiveness as the primary indicator for desirability, even the girls and mothers who said they cared more about personality.



                  Today men are more concerned about their physical appearance than they’ve ever been.



Statistics about “rape fantasies”








                  6 in every 10 women admit having rape fantasies, and the more sexually liberated the woman the more likely to have them.



                  Women who were physically or sexually abused in the past are more likely to enjoy violent or degrading porn.



                  Why feminists enjoy rape fantasies.



The porn that women consume














Women like jerks, men like nice girls


                  Women like jerks, men like nice girls.




                  Men prefer nice women, women do not prefer nice men.




Why Do Men Prefer Nice Women? Gender Typicality Mediates the Effect of Responsiveness on Perceived Attractiveness in Initial Acquaintanceships







                  Manipulative, asympathetic, arrogant bullies have higher numbers of sexual partners and have sex more often.



                  Bullies have more sex and more sexual partners than non-bullies.



                  Bullies have more sex and higher self-esteem.



                  Antisocial bullies get more sex than others. Men who are abusive and manipulative to women get more sex.



Child bullies are sexier, more popular and have more dates than their victims when they grow up.



Women really don’t like nice guys.



                  Unempathethic, narcissistic criminals are one of women’s first sexual choices.



                  Women find narcissist assholes more attractive.

                  Women find more attractive guys who are narcissist and psychopaths.



                  Science explains why women like narcissist assholes.



Hierarchical linear modeling indicated that wives' total narcissism and entitlement/exploitativeness scores predicted the slope of marital quality over time, including steeper declines in marital satisfaction and steeper increases in marital problems. Husbands' narcissism scores generally had few effects on their own marital quality or that of their wives.



                  Psychopaths are more successful at dating and getting sex.



                  Even left-wing women consider right-wing men more attractive.



                  Why do women fall for serial killers?



                  Being nice results in people wanting the subject expelled from social groups.



                  Women are much more tolerant of violent behavior in good-looking men than in other men.



Why do women fall for bad boys?



In a large forensic hospital, 39% of psychopathic patients had a consensual sexual relationship with female staff members (Gacono et al., 1995)

The malingerers were significantly more likely to have a history of murder or rape, carry a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder or sexual sadism, and produce greater PCL-R factor 1, factor 2, and total scores than insanity acquittees who did not malinger. The malingerers were also significantly more likely to be verbally or physically assaultive, require specialized treatment plans to control their aggression, have sexual relations with female staff



The number of partners people have


                  Women have double the number of sexual partners that they say they have.





Lookism in dating and long-term relationships


                  When people date, personality is purely determined by looks and no ugly people are considered to have great personality.



                  When it comes to physical attraction, men give more importance to the body rather than the face and women give more importance to the face rather than the body.



                  When it comes to physical attraction, both women and men give more importance to the face than the body.



                  When it comes to long term relationships, both women and men give a great importance to the facial traits of potential partners.



                  When it comes to any relationship, wether short term or long term, both women and men give more importance to the facial traits than the body.



                  Looks matter more than personality.



                  In dating looks matter more than anything else.



                  Good-looking men are assumed to have better personalities, more rewarding careers, and more fulfilling life experiences (Dion et al., 1972; Griffin and Langlois, 2006)

Women partnered with attractive, masculine men report more frequent orgasms (Puts et al., 2012)

Women perceive attractive men as both more likely to cheat and more likely to leave long-term relationships (Waynforth, 2001).

Men with more masculine facial features are more likely to report having been unfaithful in the past (Rhodes et al., 2012)

More masculine, taller men are also more likely to divorce and remarry than their shorter counterparts (Mueller and Mazur, 2001).

Researchers suggest that some women may pursue a mixed mating strategy, choosing a man with more feminine features as a long-term mate, while pursuing more masculine men for short-term sexual relationships (Cousins, 2015).



                  People have racial sexual preferences even if they say they don’t.



                  For men, being unattractive decreases the likelihood of finding a partner. For women, physical attractiveness does not affect the likelihood of any of those events occurring.



                  Physically unattractive are never seen as “husband material” no matter how great their personality is.



                  Taller men have higher chances of achieving reproductive success.



                  Taller men have higher chances of achieving reproductive success.



                  Taller men are more likely to have children with several women.

                  Taller men have higher social success and higher economic success.








Physical Attractiveness is the Strongest Predictor of Initial Romantic Interest in Both Sexes; No Evidence Personality Plays Any Role, Part 2 (Olderbak, Malter, Wolf, Jones, & Figueredo, 2017)




It takes people 13 milliseconds to distinguish between an attractive face and an ugly face.






Lookism when it comes to sexual harassment


Context Effects on Women's Perceptions of Stranger Harassment

Context plays a vital role in interpretation of stranger harassment.

Age and attractiveness of the harasser were implicated in making a harassment situation more frightening or more enjoyable.

The most interesting finding regarding emotions was that the control condition was viewed as more negative than the conditions with the attractive man, the younger man, and with two girlfriends. This was not predicted and presents a curious result. Because the control condition did not include details about the harasser, harassee, or situation, it is quite likely that participants added their own interpretations to the story [= the harasser was likely presumed to be old and unattractive when no description was given].

Women predicted that the target character would be more likely to view the harassment as harmless or a joke when the harasser is younger than the target woman.




Women's Reactions to Hypothetical Male Sexual Touch as a Function of Initiator Attractiveness and Level of Coercion

In reaction to low and medium levels of coercion, women anticipated feeling more flattered by the advances of an attractive initiator than by those of an unattractive one. In addition, regardless of the amount of coercion used, women regarded the sexually coercive actions of an attractive initiator as having a less negative effect and as being more socially acceptable than those of an unattractive one.

On average women anticipated feeling mildly flattered by the sexual advances that employed lower levels of coercion.

Women indicated that being the target of a coercive act would, overall, affect them negatively. How negatively, however, depended on the level of coercion used. They expected, for example, to be very negatively affected when either their breasts or genitals were touched. Their feelings, however, were more neutral when they anticipated to be gently touched and kissed by their casual male acquaintance. This last result is contrary to the finding that women react very negatively to almost all forms of sexual coercion, from kissing to fondling.




The Perception of Sexual Harassment in Higher Education: Impact of Gender and Attractiveness


Both men and women judged a sexual harassment incident involving a female perpetrator as less harassing than the same incident involving a male perpetrator.

Physical attractiveness worked in favor of the perpetrator when the judge was of the perpetrator's opposite gender and hurt the perpetrator when the judge was of the perpetrator's same gender.

Female research participants perceived more harassment when the victim was attractive.

The fact that women perpetrators in this study were seen to be more appropriate, to possess more personal power, and to have a more engaging interpersonal style than men perpetrators indicated that womens' actions are even more likely than men's actions to be misinterpreted as harmless flirtation.



Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Exploring the Effects of Attractiveness on Perception of Harassment

Ambiguous behaviors were more likely to be perceived as instances of sexual harassment when the potential female victim was more attractive and when the potential male harasser was less attractive.

The interaction between an attractive male and an unattractive female was least likely to be perceived as sexual harassment. This was true for both male and female raters.

Stereotypes associated with attractiveness may bias the identification of a behavior such that an ambiguous action directed at an attractive female is assumed to be harassing, especially if performed by an unattractive male.




Lookism in society


The success of politicians and athletes is heavily determined by their physical appearance.

Women choose tall men over short men no matter the rest of the variables.

People consider tall men stronger, more handsome and smarter for the fact of being tall. Short men are considered sadder, more scaredy and weaker.

Good looking people get treated better in economic aid and physical aid for the fact of being good looking.

When ugly people and good looking people apply for a job with the exact same resumes, good looking people get the job much more often.



Good-looking people get hired much more often than ugly-looking people even if all the other variables stay the same.



                  Good-looking men are assumed to have better personalities, more rewarding careers, and more fulfilling life experiences (Dion et al., 1972; Griffin and Langlois, 2006)

Women partnered with attractive, masculine men report more frequent orgasms (Puts et al., 2012)

Women perceive attractive men as both more likely to cheat and more likely to leave long-term relationships (Waynforth, 2001).

Men with more masculine facial features are more likely to report having been unfaithful in the past (Rhodes et al., 2012)

More masculine, taller men are also more likely to divorce and remarry than their shorter counterparts (Mueller and Mazur, 2001).

Researchers suggest that some women may pursue a mixed mating strategy, choosing a man with more feminine features as a long-term mate, while pursuing more masculine men for short-term sexual relationships (Cousins, 2015).



Facial preferences affect a diverse range of critical social outcomes, from mate choices and decisions about platonic relationships to hiring decisions and decisions about social exchange.", study finds.



                  Beauty is objective: there is an universal, cross-cultural model of what’s beautiful.

                  Humans judge others primarily by their looks.

                  Physically attractive people get treated better for the fact of being good-looking.



                  More sexually attractive people are perceived as funnier, but funnier people are NOT perceived as sexier.

                  When an allegedly funny person comes off as sexy, it’s their sexiness that makes them funny and not the other way around.



                  Same thing as the previous one.



                  Physical appearance determines how much people appreciate a person, even if they know them.



                  Babies prefer beautiful people before non-beautiful, and trust beautiful people more than non-beautiful people.



                  1-year-old babies prefer beautiful people.



                  Children are much more likely to trust facially appealing people than ugly people.



                  Good-looking people are more likely to believe life is fair.



                  Physical ugliness is positively correlated with low socioeconomic status, low educational attainment, low IQ, poor health, not owning your own home, being unemployed and not being married.



                  Beauty is not subjective.

                  People judge each other primarily on looks.



                  Beautiful babies get treated better and receive more attention than ugly babies as a result of their looks.



                  Good-looking people are less likely to be convicted for a crime and get lower sentences on average all as a result of being better-looking.



                  Ugly-looking people are discriminated in the workplace and in social situations just for being ugly-looking.



Lookism and its effects in South Korea.



                  Ugly-looking people are paid less on average as a direct result on bias based on physical appearance.



                  Physical attractiveness has a strong impact in people’s hiring success and workplace success.



                  Children’s genetic traits have a big impact on how their parents treat them and how much effort and care they put into them.



                  Shorter men make less money as a result of being short, but that effect doesn’t happen to women.



                  Taller people hold higher positions in society and are more likely to dominate other persons.



The Effects of Physical Attractiveness on Job-related Outcomes: A Meta-analysis of Experimental Studies



Facial Attractiveness: Evolutionary Based Research



                  Does It Pay to Be Smart, Attractive, or Confident (or All Three)? Relationships Among General Mental Ability, Physical Attractiveness, Core Self-evaluations, and Income



                  Attractiveness Differences Between Twins Predicts Evaluations of Self and Co-twin



                  Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People Are More Successful



                  Exploring the Impact of Male and Female Facial Attractiveness on Occupational Prestige



                  Facial Dominance of West Point Cadets as a Predictor of Later Military Rank



The Relative Importance of the Face and Body in Judgments of Human Physical Attractiveness



                  Taller men are more likely to have children with several women.

                  Taller men have higher social success and higher economic success.





                  The financial benefits of being beautiful.




Women find masculinity most attractive


                  Good-looking men are assumed to have better personalities, more rewarding careers, and more fulfilling life experiences (Dion et al., 1972; Griffin and Langlois, 2006)

Women partnered with attractive, masculine men report more frequent orgasms (Puts et al., 2012)

Women perceive attractive men as both more likely to cheat and more likely to leave long-term relationships (Waynforth, 2001).

Men with more masculine facial features are more likely to report having been unfaithful in the past (Rhodes et al., 2012)

More masculine, taller men are also more likely to divorce and remarry than their shorter counterparts (Mueller and Mazur, 2001).

Researchers suggest that some women may pursue a mixed mating strategy, choosing a man with more feminine features as a long-term mate, while pursuing more masculine men for short-term sexual relationships (Cousins, 2015).



Men's masculinity and attractiveness predict their female partners' reported orgasm frequency and timing.



                  Women want taller men and they want taller men more than men want shorter women.


                  Women show a particular interest in muscular men.




How past sexual experience affects people’s marriages


  • Using nationally representative data from the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth, I estimate the association between intimate premarital relationships (premarital sex and premarital cohabitation) and subsequent marital dissolution. I extend previous research by considering relationship histories pertaining to both premarital sex and premarital cohabitation. I find that premarital sex or premarital cohabitation that is limited to a woman's husband is not associated with an elevated risk of marital disruption. However, women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution.


                  Lower numbers of sexual partners before marriage results in happier, more stable marriages and lives.





                  The more sexual partners before marriage a woman has the more likely she is to divorce.



                  For women, the more sexual partners they have before marriage the less likely they are to be satisfied in marriage.

                  For men, there is no difference.



                  The higher the number of sexual partners the higher the chances of divorce.



                  Having one sexual partner results in the highest level of sexual satisfaction and happiness.



                  The higher the number of sexual partners the less satisfactory the married life.




Bullies get rewarded, their victims get punished


Bullying develops better health and being bullied develops poorer health.

Principio del formulario







                  Manipulative, asympathetic, arrogant bullies have higher numbers of sexual partners and have sex more often.



                  Bullies have more sex and higher self-esteem.



Child bullies are sexier, more popular and have more dates than their victims when they grow up.



                  Bullies go on to live more fulfilling, happier and healthier lives than their victims.







The Halo Effect: Good-looking people are assumed to be more caring, more hard-working, more trustworthy... for the fact that they’re good looking




                  Beauty is objective: there is an universal, cross-cultural model of what’s beautiful.

                  Humans judge others primarily by their looks.

                  Physically attractive people get treated better for the fact of being good-looking.


                  More sexually attractive people are perceived as funnier, but funnier people are NOT perceived as sexier.

                  When an allegedly funny person comes off as sexy, it’s their sexyness that makes them funny and not the other way around.


                  Physical appearance determines how much people appreciate a person, even if they know them.



                  Good-looking men are assumed to have better personalities, more rewarding careers, and more fulfilling life experiences (Dion et al., 1972; Griffin and Langlois, 2006)

Women partnered with attractive, masculine men report more frequent orgasms (Puts et al., 2012)

Women perceive attractive men as both more likely to cheat and more likely to leave long-term relationships (Waynforth, 2001).

Men with more masculine facial features are more likely to report having been unfaithful in the past (Rhodes et al., 2012)

More masculine, taller men are also more likely to divorce and remarry than their shorter counterparts (Mueller and Mazur, 2001).

Researchers suggest that some women may pursue a mixed mating strategy, choosing a man with more feminine features as a long-term mate, while pursuing more masculine men for short-term sexual relationships (Cousins, 2015).



The success of politicians and athletes is heavily determined by their physical appearance.

Women choose tall men over short men no matter the rest of the variables.

People consider tall men stronger, more handsome and smarter for the fact of being tall. Short men are considered sadder, more scaredy and weaker.

Good looking people get treated better in economic aid and physical aid for the fact of being good looking.

When ugly people and good looking people apply for a job with the exact same resumes, good looking people get the job much more often.


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                  Good-looking people are perceived as more valuable in all aspects (more caring, more hard-working, funnier...) as a direct result of their physical appearance.

                  They are assumed to deserve higher positions in society and to deserve higher success and rewards.





Physically attractive men get away with more bad actions than physically unattractive men.



Women hate monogamy more than men do


                  76% of all “open relationships” are initiated by women.



                  Women get tired of monogamy faster than men do.


Paternity fraud


                  4% of all children are raised by men who think they’re their fathers but aren’t.



                  70% of children in Zimbabwe are raised by men who think they’re their fathers but aren’t.



Beauty is not subjective: there is a universal, cross-cultural perception of what’s physically attractive and what’s not



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Facial attractiveness






Mate Choice















                  Women’s preference in male height.



                  The shorter the man the higher his chances of committing suicide.



                  The shorter the man the higher his chances of committing suicide.



The Economist: Short Guys Finish Last



                  Psychology Today: "Short men have to deal with enormous stigma when it comes to romance."


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Harvard Bias Test (1700 sample size): "There is a height bias... on the order of things like race or age... The degree of bias is in your face."



"Taller workers earn on average higher salaries. Recent research has proposed cognitive abilities and social skills as explanations for the height-wage premium. We show that height has a significant effect for the occupational sorting of employed workers but not for the self-employed. We interpret this result as evidence of employer discrimination in favor of taller workers."



"5 separate groups of 22 students were asked to estimate the height of a man presented before them whose academic status changed with each of the 5 groups. Results indicate that as ascribed academic status increased, students' estimation of height increased."



"Because we expect people to prefer more physically formidable leaders, we predicted our subjects would tend to draw a taller leader meeting a shorter citizen, with height measured by the vertical size of the figures. In fact, that is what we found. More than twice as many subjects (64%) drew a taller leader..."



"We found a twofold higher risk of suicide in short men than tall men... The pattern didn't seem to stem from socioeconomic or prenatal influences, the researchers write. The results also didn't change much when the researchers excluded men with psychiatric diagnoses."



Dutch men are the tallest in the world because that’s what women prefer.


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Experiment about height & dating (women admit they would only date a short doctor if all the other men were convicted criminals.)



Compilation of disgust towards short men.



                  Why women do not want to date short men.





                  Good-looking people are more intelligent than ugly people, and beauty is just as correlated with intelligence as with education.







IQ and virginity

http://www.gnxp.com/blog/2007/04/intercourse-and-intelligence.php In high school each extra IQ point above average increases chances of male virginity by about 3%.


https://www.newscientist.com/blogs/shortsharpscience/2009/06/who-is-the-40-year-old-virgin.html 35% of MIT grad students have never had sex, compared to only 20% of average nineteen year old men.

https://www.newscientist.com/blogs/shortsharpscience/2009/06/who-is-the-40-year-old-virgin.html Compared with virgins, men with more sexual experience are likely to drink more alcohol, attend church less, and have a criminal history.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19350760 Dr. Beaver was able to predict number of sexual partners pretty well using a scale with such delightful items as “have you been in a gang”, “have you used a weapon in a fight”, etcetera.


https://homepage.psy.utexas.edu/HomePage/Group/MestonLAB/Publications/mestonetal_fivefactor.pdf An analysis of the psychometric Big Five consistently find that high levels of disagreeableness predict high sexual success in both men and women.



Matching Hypothesis





Dating App Statistics/Studies










Marriage/Divorce/Single Mothers












                  People are more likely to divorce when there are more potential mates around.



Suicide Rates





In men, a 5cm decrease in height means a 9% higher chance of suicide.


Female Psyche/Archetypes










Juggernaut Law






Videos, comics, a bit of everything about the Black Pill


Blackpill/Redpill Comics




Blackpill/Redpill Youtube Channels


https://www.youtube.com/user/FACEandLMS/videos (FACEandLMS)

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeY3vg1r0KrvuyPOi7T39eA/videos (Redpill Interviews)


Archived Content


Black Pill Edtition: Female Nature: http://archive.is/CaRr8#selection-1933.0-1933.53


Youtube Videos


https://youtu.be/JPYmarGO5jM?t=33m40s (nice LOOKING guys less desirable - Robert Sapolsky)

Video thumb
(Wannabe Pornstar Rejects Subhuman)

Video thumb
(The Manipulated Man - Esther Vilar)

https://youtu.be/D9BQ-_33RGg?t=1m8s (Hypergamy: Micro to Macro - Rollo Tomassi)

Video thumb
(TV presenter lust after criminal Jeremy Meeks only because he looks good)






Height: http://archive.is/R8RMs




















Height: https://imgur.com/a/HpvbE


Tinder experiment: https://imgur.com/a/iGcL9


Tinder experiment https://imgur.com/GcGihfg


Red/Black Pill compilation: http://looksmax.net/Thread-Purplepill-Redpill-Compilation-Master-Thread


IT normie phases: https://notepad.pw/share/ifdlr1m2s


Prophet PBUH https://imgur.com/a/5Zgv9uW






Interesting studies that I couldn’t find a category for



                  The 10% most anti-social men father 27% of the children.



Victims of workplace mistreatment may also be seen as bullies themselves, even if they've never engaged in such behavior, and despite exemplary performance. Bullies, on the other hand, may be given a pass if they are liked by their supervisor, finds a new study about bias toward victim blaming.



                  The more physically attractive a woman is, the more expensive the wedding ring she will get.

The more physically attractive a man is, the less he spends on the wedding ring.



                  People who believe that the world is just are more likely to display dishonest behavior.



                  People who find themselves physically attractive are less likely to be concerned about economic inequality.



                  Lookism: the effects of hypergamy and the sexual revolution.



                  Women are harder to cohabitate with than men. Female relatives, female partners and female companions rank as harder to interact with than male ones.



                  Men are more violent when there are women around.



                  When there are more men than women women think better of men and men have less sex.

                  When there are more women than men women think worse of men and men have more sex.



                  When there are more men than women women think better of men and men have less sex.

                  When there are more women than men women think worse of men and men have more sex.



                  Homosexuals present a rate of childhood molestation seven times higher than the rest of the population.



                  When women are allowed to rule a society they exclusively care about the top portion of most attractive men and refuse to even just interact with the rest of men.



                  Resourceful women less generous and less sharing than resourceful men.



                  Women who fear crime are more likely to prefer dominant men.



                  Smoking and drinking are successful strategies for men to appear sexier.



Women display more bitterness and agressiveness towards each other than men do.



                  Men with higher levels of testosterone tend to be more protective in their relationships.



                  Incest-themed porn is one of the most popular categories.



                  STDs hitting an all-time high today.



                  Women are 36% more likely than men to have an STD.



                  Women are 2 times more likely to have herpes.



                  87,4% of people infected with herpes havent’t been diagnosed.



                  Involuntary celibacy remains a taboo subject and will still lack depth of investigation for some time, leaving many aidless.



                  Introverts prone to melancholy are exceptionally good at accurately assessing truths about human social behavior, without formal training or tools.



                  Women and men give different responses to sexual offers depending on the particular way the offer is formulated even if the tone and message is the same.



                  When shown pornographic pictures and videos, people’s self-reported sexual arousal and their actual sexual arousal (measured by genital blood stimulation) do NOT always correspond.

                  Heterosexual men reported being turned on by female-male and female-female pornography but not male-male or animal sex images. Their physical measurements matched their self-reports.

                  Homosexual men reported arousal at male-male and female-male but not female-female or animal. Their physical measurements also matched their words.

                  Women, of both sexual orientations, displayed physical arousal at the sight of ALL images and videos regardless of their self-reports. It seems that what women’s unconscious sexual instinct wants and what their conscious side wants are very different things.



Homophobic men are more likely than non-homophobic to experience arousal when shown gay porn.

Final del formulario


                  Single women refuse to date men who earn less than they do no matter how attractive he is.



                  High-ranked women appear to be less generous than men.



                  Real reasons for the gender wage gap.



                  The better the economic situation the more likely a women is to divorce.



                  Homosexuals are 200 times more likely to have HIV than heterosexuals.



                  The majority of perpetrators of domestic violence are men. Perpetrators are often young, troubled, unemployed, and of low self-esteem; they have often experienced abuse (of various types) themselves.



                  Many abusers suffer from low self-esteem, and their sense of self and identity is tied to their partner. Therefore, if abusers feel they are somehow losing the victim, either through separation, divorce, emotional detachment, or pregnancy (fearing victims will replace love for them with love for a child), they will lash out. If victims "leave" through any of these methods, abusers feel they are losing power, control, and their self-identity.

Many victims describe domestic violence perpetrators as having a "Jekyll and Hyde" personality. Abusers often experience dramatic mood swings of highs and lows. They may be loving one minute, and spiteful and cruel the next. Abusers are frequently characterized by those outside the home as generous, caring, and good, and behave drastically differently in their home environment. Perpetrators of domestic violence are rarely violent to those outside of their domicile.



                  The #1 factor determining male sexual success is outperformance of other males, not female selection.



                  Beauty is perceived inmediately.



  • The prevalence, age of onset, and symptomatology of many neuropsychiatric conditions differ between males and females. Gaussian-process regression coordinate-based meta-analysis was used to examine sex differences in voxel-based regional volume and density. On average, males have larger total brain volumes than females. Examination of the breakdown of studies providing total volumes by age categories indicated a bias towards the 18–59 year-old category. Regional sex differences in volume and tissue density include the amygdala, hippocampus and insula, areas known to be implicated in sex-biased neuropsychiatric conditions. Together, these results suggest candidate regions for investigating the asymmetric effect that sex has on the developing brain, and for understanding sex-biased neurological and psychiatric conditions.


  • Following recall of a conflict involving direct aggression and role-playing a reaction to it, compared with men, women reported their anger would dissipate less quickly and they would take longer to reconcile. Women also exhibited increased heart rate, but little change in cortisol, whereas men exhibited little change in heart rate but increased cortisol production. We interpret the results as indicating that women are less prepared than men to resolve a conflict with a same-sex peer.


  • Here, we develop and explore the hypothesis that the norms and institutions that compose the modern package of monogamous marriage have been favored by cultural evolution because of their group-beneficial effects—promoting success in inter-group competition. In suppressing intrasexual competition and reducing the size of the pool of unmarried men, normative monogamy reduces crime rates, including rape, murder, assault, robbery and fraud, as well as decreasing personal abuses.


  • Women engage in indirect aggression and slut-shaming, even in clinical research studies. In his book, The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating, Buss argues that women do this because, evolutionarily, women who are willing to have casual sex undermine the goals of women who want long-term relationships. "Slutty" women hint to men that it’s okay not to commit because there will always be someone available to give away the milk for free, as it were. Their peers' “derogation” is thus intended to damage the reputation of these free-wheeling females.


  • The evolutionary psychological perspective on wars suggests that the ultimate cause of all intergroup conflict is the relative availability of reproductive women. Polygyny, which allows some men to monopolize all reproductive opportunities and exclude others, should increase the prevalence of civil wars, but not interstate wars, which did not exist in the ancestral environment. The analysis of the Correlates of War data supports both hypotheses derived from the evolutionary psychological perspective; polygyny increases civil wars but not interstate wars. The evolutionary psychological perspective implies that women should be far less resistant to alien rule than men, because they have the option of marrying into the conquering group; however, this sex difference should disappear when women are no longer reproductive. The analysis of the Eurobarometer data from 15 European Union nations strongly confirms this prediction.


  • Men and women have more sex when they follow gender norms in the household. This study investigates the links between men’s participation in core (traditionally female) and non-core (traditionally male) household tasks and sexual frequency. Results show that both husbands and wives in couples with more traditional housework arrangements report higher sexual frequency, suggesting the importance of gender display rather than marital exchange for sex between heterosexual married partners.



The data from the previous study seems to change through time.



Husbands are happier and experience more satisfying sex lives when their female partner earns as much or more than they do.



  • Benevolent sexism makes men more attractive to women. German female students (total N = 326) rated the likability and typicality of male targets: a nonsexist, a benevolent sexist, a hostile sexist, and (in Studies 2 and 3) an ambivalent sexist. When targets were presented as response profiles in the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (Glick and Fiske 1996) (Studies 2 and 3), the benevolent sexist was rated to be most likable but least typical, whereas the ambivalent sexist was rated to be highly typical. Thus, women were aware of a link between benevolent and hostile sexism and approved of men’s benevolent sexism.


  • Since the women's liberation movement of the 1970s, female happiness has on average declined. The paradox of women’s declining relative well-being is found across various datasets, measures of subjective wellbeing, and is pervasive across demographic groups and industrialized countries. Relative declines in female happiness have eroded a gender gap in happiness in which women in the 1970s typically reported higher subjective well-being than did men. These declines have continued and a new gender gap is emerging − one with higher subjective well-being for men.























                  Lonely lives and isolation result in shorter lifespans.






                  It takes people only 13 miliseconds to distinguish a beautiful face from an ugly face.



                  A man’s penis is absolutely key for relationships.



                  Reasons why women like being choked during sex.



Asian man who committed suicide gives statistics on how women don’t like asian guys.



                  Increasing penis size makes tall men more attractive but has no effect on short men.



                  Men with larger penises give women more orgasms.



The importance of sex


































Sex and relationships are very healthy, not having them is unhealthy. Being lonely is also very unhealthy.





Fathers pass on four times as many new genetic mutations as mothers.




Broad shoulders are terribly important for male physical attractiveness.




The older you are when having children the more genetic defects those children will have.



Your social position in high school determines your social position once you grow up:




Intelligent people are more likely to stay in healthy weight, stupid people are more likely to become overweight:




More intelligent people tend to live longer:




Good-looking, intelligent, high-earning, healthy weight people are more likely to be right-wingers:





                  Lesbian teens get pregnant more than twice as often as heterosexual teens.




                  A good-looking man can say and do ANYTHING and get laid every day.




People are more likely to protect women than men




                  In poorer societies women aim for traditionally male-dominated occupations.

                  In wealthier societies women aim for traditionally female-dominated occupations.






                  Women prefer muscular ripped men even if they say that they do not.



                  Women prefer tall, low-body-fat, muscular men.



                  The better-looking a man is the less egalitarian he is.




Asian men have less sexual dimorphism and lower sperm counts, among other traits.




Being in a committed relationship, having exclusive sex, having less dissonance between attitudes and activity, having greater sexual agency, and having stronger sexual desire are tied to higher sexual well-being for heterosexual college women today, finds a new study.



Study finds no significant differences regarding self-esteem, sociability and sexual permissiveness between online dating users and the general population. (Gatter et al. 2016)




High-earning women refuse to marry house-husbands and men who take care of the home and the children.




In the UK, being married was the second most important factor in British men's happiness. Single men are the least happy, less than divorcees and even widows.

https://workplaceinsight.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/HarrysMasculinityReport2018.pdf (Barry 2018)


Intimacy and sex are regarded as the most pleasurable and meaningful experiences.

/img/43f780caf8c8362e641b5ad592ee02e6.png (Source)


https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17439760.2014.941382 (Grimm, 2015)



Having sex boosts well-being on the following day. Sex requires a level of vulnerability and trust that facilitates opportunities for meaningful social connection.

https://doi.org/10.1037/emo0000324 (Kashdan 2018)



In a Greek N = 735 sample, mating performance was significantly related to a happiness measure and to life satisfaction. Sex differences were non-signficant. The authors conjecture that large populations with poor mating performance might negatively affect the economy due to higher rates of depression.

http://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2018.10.003 (Apostolou 2019)



The happiness of a country's individuals boosts its economic productivity.

http://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-019-00074-1 (DiMaria 2019)



Males gain peer status through having sex.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-016-0618-x (Kreager 2016)



Women are drawn toward men who have sex.

https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPillScience/comments/a7065g/the_ultimate_hypergamy_compilation/ (see the mate choice copying section)



There is a significant relationship between singlehood, somatic symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, severe depression, and romantic loneliness. Voluntary singles experience lower level of romantic loneliness than involuntary singles.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-016-9478-3.pdf (Adamczyk 2016)



Only few singles (less than 5%) preferred singlehood over being in a relationship.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2010.03.012 (Poortmana & Liefbroerb 2010)



Belongingness is a human need. Social deprivation is associated with decreased immunocompetence, mental health, cancer survival rates and increased suicidality.


There is a world of difference between deprivation and a few good friends. Not many social relationships are needed; there are diminishing returns already after six friends and two hours of socializing per day.

https://doi.org/10.1037/0033-2909.117.3.497 (Baumeister 1995)


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092656618300369 (Kushlev 2018)



Close friendships can cure anxiety and depression.

https://osf.io/df9q4/ (Shackman 2018)


Marriage is associated with enhanced mental health.

https://doi.org/10.1086/339225 (Simon 2002)


The intimacy of heterosexual males has drastically decreased since the 1980s, possibly because of the acceptance of homosexuals and/or because it has become harder for males to prove their heterosexuality. [More studies on this are needed!]








https://books.google.com/books?id=x6-NAgAAQBAJ&lpg=PA8&pg=PA81#v=onepage (Anderson 2009. Inclusive Masculinity)



The decline of masculinity: men are less masculine and women appear to be more feminine


In Western countries, testosterone in males has dropped by 30% since 1987.





Sperm count in Western men has dropped over 50% since 1973, possibly due to phthalates (plastic softeners), and/or due to sedentary lifestyle.




Men’s sperm counts have dropped a lot and are dropping a lot.



According to a poll, Swedish men have become less masculine in the recent decades.





                  Average levels of testosterone get lower and lower every year.




Genetics are everything | The incredible effects of testosterone.




                  The fertility rate gets lower and lower every year.



Females are becoming more feminine:

Menarche has receded from 16.5 years in 1880 to 12.5 years.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15795887 (Fenner 2005)


Females who experience puberty earlier have a stronger preference for masculine faces.

https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1474704916637876 (Batres 2016)


Females who experience puberty earlier have an earlier onset of anxiety disorders (i.e. higher neuroticism).

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924933816300931 (Tondo 2017)


This might be affecting human sexual behavior:


Over 16 years (1999–2015), women’s orgasmic capacity has declined considerably, from 56% of women experiencing orgasm in intercourse always or nearly always in 1999 to 46% in 2015.



The primary factor determining orgasm frequency in women is their partners’ physical attractiveness and masculinity.








The Ultimate Male Horniness and Female Dependence Compilation


Principio del formulario

Male vs Female Sex Drive:


Intimacy and sex are regarded as the most pleasurable and meaningful experiences.

/img/43f780caf8c8362e641b5ad592ee02e6.png (Source)

https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17439760.2014.941382 (Grimm, 2015)


Cross-culturally, women play "coy" by downplaying their sexual interest, thereby provoking men's courtship investment and testing their readiness. The coyer the female partner, the more valuable she becomes, the harder it becomes for males to let go.

Ethnologist Eibl-Eibesfeldt was able to elicit the ‘‘coy glance’’. Looking at a variety of cultures, he found flirting to be prevalent and very much the same the world over.

/img/cb8df2840895d8d741b42186410183e9.gif (Source)


The white of the eye permits us to perceive signals of others accurately: reaction of a young Indian woman to a compliment—affection and timidity are juxtaposed.

https://books.google.com/books/about/Human_Ethology.html?id=WADsngEACAAJ (Eibl-Eibesfeldt, 2009, p. 239)

http://doi.org/10.1080/00224490903402520 (Moore 2010)


60% of women said they hoped a recent hookup would lead to a romantic relationship compared with only 13% of men, demonstrating women's stronger preference for signals of investment.

http://doi.org/10.1111/pere.12220 (Weitbrecht 2017)


Women have a much higher preference for being asked out (M 16% vs W 94%) vs doing the asking (M 83% vs W 6%), so the mating strategies are completely different (competing/impressing/initiating vs choosing/waiting).



Women's interest in sex steeply declines in a relationship while men's interest remains stable. Within 90 months (7.5 years), the wife's willingness to engage often in sex typically reduces by ~66%.


http://doi.org/10.1023/A:1015205020769 (Kulsmann 2002)


Biochemical research points to a natural four-year sexual cycle for the human female. A woman’s natural tendency is to “liberate” herself from her mate after that point. This is in line with divorce statistics where women are the initiator 75% of the time.

https://toqonline.com/archives/v7n2/v7no2_Devlin.pdf (Langley 2005)


Men much more likely report they would engage in casual sex with a complete stranger (e.g. "will you go to bed with me tonight"; 75% M but 0% W answered yes).

https://interpersona.psychopen.eu/article/view/121/html (Tappé 2013)


Women have much more sexual disgust (d = -.6 to -1.7), likely because reproduction is more costly and risky for them (e.g. women are more likely catch STDs and maternal mortality used to be very high).

https://doi.org/10.1177/1754073917709940 (Al-Shawaf 2017)


Even in the most gender egalitarian countries, women are 1.68 times as likely regret having engaged in casual sex (20.4% M, 34.2% W). Men are eight times as likely to regret passing up casual sex (28.9% M, 3.6% W).

http://doi.org/10.1177/1474704916682903 (Bendixen et al. 2018)

https://doi.org/10.1177/1474704916682903 (Kennair 2016)


Among “celibate” clergy, men are less willing to actually forego sex (M 24%, W 3% have had 5+ partners).

https://books.google.com/books?id=sxHZAAAAMAAJ (Murphy 1992)


Men disired sex earlier in a relationship (M 3% vs F 28% reluctant virgins in fresh couples).

http://doi.org/10.1080/00224498709551339 (McCabe 1987)


Women pay for sex only extremely rarely (e.g. M 30% vs W 0%, CH, N = 2070).

https://www.20min.ch/community/umfragen/sex/20120628_20min_sexstudie_kurz.pdf (Source)


Gay males more likely than lesbians are unfaithful (G 82% vs L 28%).

https://books.google.com/books?id=QxYEAQAAIAAJ&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=%2282%22+%2228%22 (Blumstein & Schwartz, 1983)


Large survey study found no clues to stronger sexual motivation among women.

https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/5f84/46340d4ed375007351539e7993fa44e2e31b.pdf (Baumeister 2001)


Cultural differences in 53 nations: Sex drive and sociosexuality (causial sex) showed consistent sex differences across nations (d̅ = .62, .74). Gender empowerment measures correlate with sociosexuality, but are uncorrelated with sex drive.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17975724 (Lippa 2009)


All of this makes sense from the perspective of Parental Investment Theory. The principle of coy females can be seen in many other species, even in fungi.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parental_investment#Trivers%27_parental_investment_theory (Trivers 1972)



Drive for success, testosterone and sex drive appear to be linked.



In steady heterosexual relationships, men masturbate 4 times as often as women, mainly due to differences in sex drive (masturbation frequency M 2.02±5.37 vs W 0.51±0.92).

http://www.gerontoseksuoloog.nl/Artikelen/Sex%20drive,%20masturbation%20and%20partnered%20sex.pdf (Waterink 2018)


In the past 45 years, sex difference in masturbation frequency has not changed despite women's sexual liberation and even though masturbation toys for women are less stigmatized than men's.

http://doi.org/10.1080/00224497309550786 (Sigusch 1973)


Men think about 1.8 times as often about sex as women.

http://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2011.565429 (Fischer 2011)


But the content of these thoughts is likely very different for each sex: A difference in sex drive causes a sexual satiation in the choosy sex and overdemand in the other one.

Hence, men's sexual thoughts are more about how to get sex (innovation). Women think more about how to evade unwanted sexual advances.


Note: Differences in sex drive are not generalizable to related things, such as orgasmic capacity (women have much higher), enjoyment of sex (mixed evidence), extrinsic sex motivation (for love/babies).

https://doi.org/10.1207/S15327957PSPR0503_5 (Baumeister 2001)


In a Greek sample (N = 735), mating performance was significantly related to a happiness measure and to life satisfaction. Sex differences were non-signficant.

The authors conjecture that large populations with poor mating performance might negatively affect the economy due to higher rates of depression.

http://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2018.10.003 (Apostolou 2019)


Social psychologist Roy Baumeister wrote about the "Tragedy of the Male Sex Drive":

Given the mismatch between men's and women's desires, most men are doomed to experience chronic sexual frustration. They are doomed to be horny.



Female sexual submissiveness and longing for dominance:

Women's five most used keywords porn are all either about dominance/status or about dark triad traits: Vampire, Werewolf, Billionaire, Surgeon, Pirate



Women have possibly evolved to prefer the most dominant man available because that man can provide protection from other contenders (bodyguard hypothesis) as well as access to higher quality foods.

http://web.simmons.edu/%7Eturnerg/MCC/Matechoice2PDF.pdf (Geary 2004)


Up to 57% of women report to have had rape fantasies.



Men are more aroused by looking at and touching their partner, whereas women are more aroused by being looked at and touched (d = 0.7 to 1.2); again differences in preferences for dominance vs submissiveness.

https://psyarxiv.com/zreku/ (Tsakiris 2018)


Some explorative statistics on the OKCupid questions dataset (N ≥ 11,139; q… is the question ID, heterosexuals only). The dataset does not contain "skipped" answers, so the following data may be biased. The dataset is also limited in other ways as discussed in the paper linked below (e.g. people sometimes do not answer truthfully, but strategically to attract certain potential partners), so take this with a grain of salt…

  • The vast majority of women prefer their partner taking control during sex (F 86.0%, M 32.3%, d = 1.54, q463).
  • Women also prefer a dominant partner in a non-sexual sense 4.7x as often as men (F 36.5%, M 7.7%, d = 1.08). Fewer women than men prefer a balanced relationship (F 61.2%, M 79.9%). Only 2.3% of women prefer a submissive partner (vs M 12.4%, q9668).
  • Most women prefer being tied up during sex (F 61.4%, M 22.2%) vs doing the tying (F 18.1%, M 54.0%, d = 1.05). F 20.5% an M 23.8% avoid bondage all together (q29).
  • Preference for masculinity as broad gender description (F 65.1%, M 8.3%) vs feminininty (F 6.6%, M 74.7%). F 17.2% and M 11.6% have no preference (q82778). More evidence that about 2/3 of women prefer a rather masculine guy!

Dataset: https://openpsych.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=279

Female neediness and neuroticism:

Even feminist women prefer men who take care of them.

http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0146167218781000 (Gul 2018)


60% of women prefer a partner who is dominant toward the in-group, out-group or both.

https://kops.uni-konstanz.de/bitstream/handle/123456789/24175/Dissertation_Giebel.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y (Giebel 2015)


The husband's life satisfaction increases by 1.3 (out of 6 points) with each 1-point increase in his wife’s marital appraisals, as opposed to 0.5 per 1-point increase vice-versa. So men are more empathetic with their partner and/or women more likely make a fuss when they feel blue.

https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/09/140912134824.htm (Carr 2014)


On average, adult women cry around 4 times as often as men.

/img/108639c991b30c83689439f63e9e7d88.png (Source)

/img/4f14dea9b23e88fd3f4c92fe078cc385.png (Source)


There is little variation in the sex ratio of crying frequency across different cultures (~3.67±0.39).

http://doi.org/10.1177/1069397111404519 (Van Hemert 2011)


The gender differences in adult crying persisted despite changing gender role expectations between 1981 and 1996. Female neuroticism is also strongly influenced by hormones, so little of the difference is cultural.

http://doi.org/10.1023/A:1014862714833 (Lombardo 2001)


Women cry 10 times as often as men in stressful situations such as work environments.


https://www.amazon.com/dp/0812979931/ (Kraemer 2013)


Women state they would cry in frightening situations ~60 times as likely as men (.4% vs 19.8%).

http://doi.org/10.1007/bf00290058 (Lombardo 1983)


Women more likely cry in conflict situations (23% vs 14%), men more due to positive appraisals (17% vs 7%) and loss (29% vs 24%).



Women use crying to manipulate their partners more often than males ([item "He or she whines until I do it", t(90) = 2.82, p < .006, d≈0.6]).

https://labs.la.utexas.edu/buss/files/2015/09/tactics_of_manipulation_1987_jpsp.pdf (Buss 1987)

Women also cry more intensely and their crying episodes last about twice as long as men's. Crying turns into sobbing for women in 65% of cases, compared to just 6% for men.

https://www.amazon.com/dp/0393321037 (Lutz 2001)


A few more related studies:


In 185 societies in the Standard Sample, men were more likely hunters, system builders & maintainers and women were more involved harvesting and food preparation.


In 97% of samples, cooking was an exclusively or predominately female task and in 0% exclusively male.


Women's domain has always been activities close to home, and men's domain away from home.



The Standard cross-cultural sample (SCCS) ranges from contemporary hunter gatherers, to early historic states, e.g., the Romans, to contemporary industrial peoples.

https://doi.org/10.2307/3773347 (Murdock 1973)


Cross-culturally, after sports matches, men spend more time than women in peaceful physical contact with their opponents. Males might naturally invest more in behaviors that facilitate future intragroup cooperation.


https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2016.06.024 (Benenson 2016)


Sex differences in grip strength:





The ultimate hypergamy compilation


Principio del formulario

Women are attracted to high status:

Males with much lower income than their wives were 2.27 times as likely not to have sex.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-017-0968-7 (Kim 2017)


Women’s income was correlated with the income that they wanted in an ideal mate (r = .31), his educational (r = .29) and professional status (r = .35), i.e. women with higher income expressed an even stronger preference for high-earning men than did women who were less financially successful.

https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-psych-010418-103408 (Buss 2018)


In a large US sample, high status men (especially of lower IQ) have ~18% more children compared to low status men, whereas high status women have ~40% fewer children compared to low status women.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2005.07.004 (Hopcroft 2006)


Another study found the same effect in 33 countries.

https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1606800113 (Von Rueden 2016)


Even in pre-industrial societies, higher status never benefited women in terms of reproductive success.

http://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190299323.013.29 (Fieder, 2018)


Women's attractiveness ratings of men are 1,000 times as sensitive to salary than vice-versa. This may pose a barrier for male engagement in low-consumption lifestyles.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2017.12.008 (Wang 2018)


71% of women with income of more than $95,000 per year vs 14% of men feel it is essential their romantic partner has a steady income.

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282931592 (Fales 2016)


Hypergamy (by proxy of income difference) increases in more educated women. Tendency to marry up did not change since 1980 despite decreasing gender pay gap. https://www.npr.org/news/graphics/2010/04/gr-gender-earnings-624.gif

https://etd.ohiolink.edu/pg_10?0::NO:10:P10_ETD_SUBID:113754 (Qian 2016)


On a dating site, women with high income more often visited male profiles with even higher income. Such preferences do not exist in men.



Females on Tinder 'liked' profiles with a higher education level relative to their own 92% more often and profiles with lower education 45.4% less often. Males did not care about relative higher education, but they also liked less educated women 10.1% less often.

ftp://repec.iza.org/RePEc/Discussionpaper/dp11933.pdf (Neyt 2018)


Among singles, women get a date via online dating 2.75 times as often as single men, but among non-singles, men get a date via online dating 1.25 as often as women.

https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-95540-7_6 (Rosenfeld 2018)


Women regard male war heroes as more sexually attractive. This effect is absent for male participants judging female war heroes, suggesting that bravery and high status are gender specific signals.

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1090513815000239 (Rusch 2015)


In Spain, unattractive men are ~16% less likely married than attractive men, and ~30% less likely married to a partner of higher educational status. No such effects exist for women.

http://www.reis.cis.es/REIS/PDF/REIS_159_07_ENGLISH1499424514902.pdf (Martínez-Pastor, 2017)


Photoshopping a man into a luxury appartment made women rate him as ~33% more attractive. The same manipulation had no significant effect on men rating women.

http://doi.org/10.1556/JEP.12.2014.1.1 (Dunn 2014)


85% of female medical students answered "As my status increases, my pool of acceptable partners decreases". In contrast, 90% of men stated their pool would increase (N = 40).

http://doi.org/10.1007/bf01541424 (Townsend 1987)


Hypergamy as a tendency of women to marry up in socioeconomic status has declined over the past 50 years, but women's preference for a better earning partner has not.



Stereotypical sex differences in mating preferences (males preferring youthful women, and women preferring resourceful men) remained robust over 30 years in Brazil despite substantial changes in gender equality index.

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886916300538 (Souza 2016)


Humans have been moderately polygamous throughout history: 85% of 185 human societies in the Standard Sample have permitted men to have more than one wife.


https://d-place.org/search (Ethnographic Atlas > Marriage)


Counting the number of wives relative to the number of men across all societies reveals that ~22% of men were unmarried or the sex ratio wasn't 1:1.


http://doi.org/10.1086/203674 (White 1988)

http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/royptb/367/1589/657.full.pdf (Henrich 2012)


"The importance of resources to women is apparent even in egalitarian societies such as the Ache and the Sharanahua, where the best hunters are able to attract the most sexual partners."

https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/bbf7/77fbe21100d32ebd55a41b65de7151628235.pdf (Cashdan 1996)


In industrialized societies, status in males accounts for 62% of the variance of copulation frequency.

https://doi.org/10.1017/S0140525X00029939 (Perusse 1993)


Males gained peer status through having had sex, females lost peer status.

https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11199-016-0618-x (Kreager 2016)


Humans instinctively organize in status hierarchies and can easily tell status from subtle cues:

Grade received after an exam influences errectness of posture (r = .6 to .8) and people intuitively infer dominance from erectness of posture. (Erectness before the exam does not affect the grade.)

https://doi.org/10.1007/bf00992459 (Weisfeld, 1982)


~10-11 months old toddlers are able to infer dominance relations between simple geometric objects by observing relative confidence and forcefulness in the object's movements.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21273490 (Thomsen 2011)


Another simple measure of dominance is the Visual Dominance Ratio defined as VDR = (% eye contact while speaking) / (% eye contact while listening).

Dominance positively correlates with eye contact during speaking and negatively with eye contact during listening. The ratio cancels out differences in individual propensity for holding eye contact and combines both in one number.

Table with examples: /img/3d85275d030d089d0879ac78cb2c4606.png

https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4684-2835-3_2 (Exline 1975)

https://doi.org/10.2307/3033735 (Ellyson 1980)


Smaller (less dominant) football players displayed more smiling than larger (more dominant) football players (F(1.41, 38.10) = 111.80, partial η² = .81).

http://doi.org/10.1177/147470491201000301 (Ketelaar 2012)


Low status individuals accommodated their voices to the voice pitch of their higher status partners.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0190272517738215 (Gregory 1996)


Female mate-choice copying:

90% of single women were interested in a man who they believed was taken, while a mere 59% wanted the same person when single (d ≈ 1.05, N = 35 single women, N = 40 single men).

http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2009.04.022 (Parker 2009)


Women more likely to pursue a committed target (d ≈ .74, N = 80). Men showed no significant difference between pursuing a committed or single target.

http://digital.library.okstate.edu/etd/umi-okstate-2649.pdf (Parker 2008)


Women rate photos of married men as more attractive (d ≈ 1.17, N = 38).

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1660608/ (Eva 2006)


Meta-analysis confirms mate choice copying: Men gain 6.01% attractiveness points when seen in the presence of a female, women lose 2.18% in presence of a male (both gain attractiveness as the attractiveness of the partner is increased). This validates the dating strategy to socialize first.

https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40750-018-0099-y (Gouda-Vossos et al., 2018)


A few more related studies:

"Today, anthropologists generally agree that cases of true matriarchy do not exist in human society, and that they most probably never have."



Low ranking chimpanzees innovate 3 times as frequently as high ranking ones. Male chimpanzees innovate more often than females in courtship display contexts (X(1) = 11.35, p < 0.001).

https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1012069500899 (Reader 2001)


Men might have been selected to hide/deny their illnesses & limitations which might contribute to men's earlier mortality.

https://www.ashdin.com/articles/female-choice-and-male-stoicism.pdf (Brown 2018)




Far more women than men want to know about their partners’ sexual past.

Women are much more likely than men to lie about their sexual past.

Women are more likely to refuse to tell their sexual past.

Over a third of women want to know about their partner’s sexual past in the first month of relationship.

Over a fourth of women think that the sexual past will determine wether the partner will be good or not.




The effects of steroids


Final del formulario


This study split men into 4 groups, and had them do training for a certain amount of time, and compared training results between natty and non natty. 1 group natty + training, 1 group juicing + training , 1 group juicing + doing nothing, and 1 control group doing nothing.

The group that did natty training gained 4 pounds of muscle.

The group that did Juicy training gained 13 pounds of muscle.

The group that did juicing plus NOTHING AT ALL gained 7 fucking pounds of muscle.

Yes, you read it right. That means that you can juice, stick your thumb up your butt, and do NOTHING and gain more muscle than a serious natural lifter. This is just to put things into perspective for people. I know if you go on over to the steroid subreddit you'll have alot of people tell you that steroids arent a magical muscle pill and that serious training is needed. This is really a half truth. Its not a magical muscle pill, but its pretty fucking close.

Yeah so if you see your local ripped, stacked gym bros partying out at Wet Republic and wonder how they do it with their shit diets and mediocre training, now you know.



                  Steroids users are more narcissistc and less empathetic than non-steroid users.



Women being nasty to men and to each other

Final del formulario


Females are more likely than males to socially exclude others, a sex difference that appears as early as the age of six.



Women strategically transmit social information about romantic rivals to win out attracting the attention from males. Women's intrasexual competition is less cooperative (more zero-sum) compared to males.



Historically, there has been strong concern about gossiping by females. Females display an especially strong interest in information about other females as evidenced by data from social media.





On Twitter, 61.3% of misogynistic tweets containing the terms "slut" or "whore" come from female users.




Anti-women bias in peer review is largest in women.



Women reported more anger in intrasexual conflicts than men (d ≈ .67, N = 40) and they need more time for conflict resolution (~33% more, d ≈ 1.0).








                  High-ranked women are ~20-30% less generous and less sharing than high-ranked men (d ≈ .5, N = 375).


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0001691817305917 (Colman 2018)

Men cooperate much more than women in repeated Prisoner's Dilemma games.


Women engage in indirect aggression and slut-shaming, even in clinical research studies.




Female job satisfaction is lower under female supervision (no difference for males).


http://doi.org/10.1016/j.labeco.2016.09.003 (Artz, 2016)


See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_intrasexual_competition#Female_derogation


Women are reporting increasing levels of incivility at work. Female superiors are more likely to be critical of female subordinates (queen bee syndrome). High-ranking women are less likely to collaborate with same-sex subordinates.




http://doi.org/10.1037/apl0000289 (Gabriel 2018)


Women's automatic in-group bias (the preference for their own sex) is 4.5x as strong as men's.


http://doi.org/10.1037%2F0022-3514.87.4.494 (Goodwin 2004)


In a UK working class school, girls were involved in bullying and intimidating girls and boys, both verbally and physically. Female bullies were less frequently punished for their behavior than male bullies.


https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/berj.3324 (Dytham 2018)


Women are around twice as often described as "demanding/difficult" as men.


http://doi.org/10.1177/0003122417737951 (Offer 2017)



http://www.femininebeauty.info/suppression.pdf (Baumeister, 2002)

The view that men suppress female sexuality received hardly any support and is flatly contradicted by some findings. Instead, the evidence favors the view that women have worked to stifle each other’s sexuality.





https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2016.06.024 (Benenson 2016)

Cross-culturally, after sports matches, men spend more time than women in peaceful physical contact with their opponents. Males might naturally invest more in behaviors that facilitate future intragroup cooperation.





Female prison guard frees syrian migrant who raped a 15-year-old girl and flees with him. They had a relationship.



Female FBI agent married an Isis terrorist she was sent to investigate.



Crazed girls flood Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz with fan mail.


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Educated University females attracted to serial killer Ted Bundy.


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Elliot Rogers has females fans after his killings.