
Attracting wealth abundance and prosperity

Growth For You 

Attracting Wealth Abundance And Prosperity

Published by Achintya Mukherjee on August 30, 2022


The law of Attraction is surely becoming more and more popular. I first study this concept in high school and it has changed my life ever since. The thought of this idea of attracting wealth abundance and prosperity is that like attracts like. This is often applicable universally whether it be objects, health, finances, relationships, or ambitions, the Law of Attraction doesn’t discriminate.

We have to be aware of the fact that there are many ideas that we can do to raise our abundance and prosperity. Although it is not always easy to find a way to change our situation, there are some ways, using that we can improve our life easily.

Raise your abundance in 5 easy ways


If you’re reading this article, then you’re clearly breathing. But oxygen is absolutely vital for energy flow. Without enough oxygen, the vibration in your cells will slow down and they will start to die. Given that every cell is an individual power source for life, it’s vital that they receive what they need to stay healthy and vital. The healthier they are, the faster they will vibrate. The faster they vibrate, the clearer the energy flow.


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Eat Lightly

The food you eat has a massive impact on how you feel. When you eat heavy food, you’ll feel heavy. When you eat light food, you’ll feel light. There is a direct correlation between the food you eat and the amount of energy you have.


Your body needs you to stop so it can work on repairing and restoring the health of your cells. When we’re constantly distracting ourselves with technology, running from task to task and thinking all the time, our body doesn’t have the chance to focus on the vital systems of keeping you healthy. It will do the most vital tasks while you’re sleeping but many of the more complex tasks get left undone. Over time this creates breakages in the system and energy cannot flow correctly. Sleep is important but so is rest. Take time to sit in nature, meditate, reflect or just be. When the internal systems in your body are working efficiently, energy flows freely. The clearer the flow, the higher your vibration.

Move your body

The constant movement of a stream keeps the water clear and fresh but a pond needs maintenance as the lack of movement causes stagnation. Stagnation is slow flow and it’s the same with the energy flow in your body. Moving your body gets your heart pumping, your lungs expanding and contracting and ‘shakes everything up’. Movement is therefore vital for efficient energy flow. It doesn’t have to be high intensity *exercise but the more you can move, the higher your vibration will be.


Check your posture

When you ‘stand up straight’ you immediately increase the flow of oxygen around your body. Every organ returns to it’’s correct position, veins can open up freely and your energy is free to flow without blockages.  Stand up, take a deep breath in, push your shoulders back to open your chest, lift your head and look straight ahead. You’ll immediately feel a sense of freedom in your body. This is increased energy flow and its one of the easiest ways to raise your abundance vibration.

In conclusion, bring your awareness to your body as the powerhouse of energy that it is. Pay attention to how you breathe, eat, rest and move. And always lift your ribcage up and out, pull your stomach muscles in to support your spine and keep your chin lifted away from your chest. Practice this when you sit, when you stand and when you walk.

The first thing to do is to change our attitude. We need to start seeing wealth as a blessing, not a curse. When we see wealth as a curse it will always seem like it is just out of reach and that we are never going to have enough money.

Next, we will need to start focusing on the things that have given us success in the past. This could be anything from a hobby, or something that you used to do when you were younger. For example, if playing golf has given you success in the past then maybe you should go back and re-focus on your golf game because it could bring more wealth into your life now.

Lastly, we need to make sure that we are living within our means and not spending more than what we make each

This idea dates back ages, in any case like attracts like is one of Plato’s ideas. While this is often still


a growing field of study there has been many anecdotes to attest this law. Realistically it is wise because water is attracted to water, this is often called cohesion. By repeatedly thinking that you simply have the power to achieve something, you attract that possibility to you. This is often basically the power to manifest something you want. Manifestation means something that’s visually displayed from a thought or theory. So you’ll manifest healthiness or being financially stable or whatever you want to get by using the law of attraction.

2021 was a challenging year


But what do you want in 2022 ?

I ask the question because despite the external circumstances that surround you right now … you get to decide what you want to experience in 2022

Because an experience in an internal event

It’s the movement of energy within you

You don’t experience outside of yourself 

You experience inside of yourself

In your thoughts

In your emotions

In your reactions and responses to everything and everyone around you

2021 has certainly left an imprint

But what about 2022 ?

I want to gift you a powerful advice to help you leave the energy of painful experiences in 2021 behind you …

So you can shift your experiences in 2022

Experience more …










Re balance for Abundance in 2022 will help you shift out the painful experiences of 2021 and free you to experience everything you want in 2022