
How food poisoning can be treated with organic bulk herbs?

Food poising is a very common problem these days and it can be caused by eating unhealthy food, raw food, and food products that have crossed the expiry date. With food poisoning, the doshas in the body such as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha can be affected. Many people use products which contain chemicals and they have an only short-term effect. It is recommended by Ayurveda doctors to consume organic bulk herbs such as Ashwagandha, Liquorice powderoriginal shilajitpure turmeric tablets, Amalaki tablets, etc. that contain no che

micals and they won’t harm your body.


Also, it is recommended to consult a professional doctor before consuming any of the organic bulk herbs as they can affect your ongoing medications. The foods that are responsible for food poisoning are:

  • Egg
  • Meat
  • Unwashed fruits and vegetables
  • Unsaturated milk


Many diseases can be treated by consuming the original bulk herbs such as

  • Giloy
  • Ashwagandha
  • Licorice powderAmla
  • Pure Turmeric tablets
  • Original shilajit
  • Pippali etc.


These are the herbs that are prepared in the form of tablets and powders. These herbs can destroy the bacteria or toxins in the body and give relief from food poisoning. Also, it is recommended to have a proper diet and lifestyle including a healthy diet and hygienic conditions.


There are many preventions that you can take to avoid food poisoning:

  • Eat light and a small amount of food
  • Clean and disinfect food preparation surfaces, crockery with hot water
  • Throw out the food if you are not sure whether it is prepared safely or not
  • Drink hot medicated water with turmeric and dry ginger.


About the company

We are AyuMantrashop and we provide various organic bulk herbs such as Amalaki tablets, Pure turmeric tabletslicorice powderoriginal shilajit, Bhringraj oil, Brimhana oil, and many more. Our products are prepared with good manufacturing services and we focus on delivering quality over quantity. All the prices of our products are cheap and affordable.

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