
'Shiva The War Goddess' (Kamala Harris)


'Angry Kamala' ~ 'Goddess Of Destruction' ~ 'Kamala The Destroyer'


(modding) Sent 2 'White House':

"I've been helping the 'Trump Train' since 'before the beginning' with good advices 2 try & keep things on track, though I don't know if N E 1 reads them =)) Here's another bit of gold: Looks like Trump will B running against Kamala Harris. This has been implied for a while but now I feel it is certain, so to 'prepare ahead of time' is good =) Don't spring it on her until AFTER she is 'nominated'. I read the DemonCrats R purging whites, so probably worried about cracks in the "KILLWHITEY!" rhetoric that might arise as she does her hard-core 'Cracker Devil' treason routines. Details here:

Note: I actually voted 4 Kamala long ago as I expected they would use her this way, & she is E Z 2 defeat with my advices. That's Y I wanted her 2 'win' = so she could LOSE for the whole party later. =)

Key is 2 do lots of digging in how she (sexually) whored herself 'up the ranks' through various 'politicians' = "People say she got those jobs by dating these guys", & is the literal descendant of slave owners, & also brags about jailing blacks and others for smoking weed, as (YOU say): "She's 'not really black' but 'seems mostly Indian', which makes sense" (?? people will wonder 'why'? & look into it). "I guess that's why coming down so hard on blacks doesn't seem to matter to her, but I'm all about helping give people a second chance".

AFTER she is nominated, U should start calling her by her nickname U give her, like 'Pocahantas' for 'Crazy Liz' = call Kamala 'Shiva The War Goddess'. It's simultaneously COMPLIMENTARRY 2 both her & women = "I call her a 'GODDESS' = she's great, just not my flavor" =)) AND super-damning (war is bad U know) HAHA Also puts fear into BOTH sides of actual voters, as nobody wants war (except jews & other satanists, 2 'expand Isra-Hell').

Pot is very popular throughout left-tard (((Culture))) so this "She loves to jail the potheads" point alone will assure she has no chance of winning a 'popular' vote, and it will just be a matter of enforcing election laws to reduce the amount of (((Fraud))). For instance, Billary got less than 16% of the vote, but the (((Media))) claims it was a 'close' race = all lies! Same as every ((($Election))). B sure 2 monitor 4 violations! Details...