IoT connects physical objects- to be precise, almost any device or item - to the internet through embedded softwares and sensors.
IoT has made our life much more comfortable and convenient. Sensing the massive spike in usage would result in higher power consumption and emission of harmful products.
However, just when you think the environment and technology can’t strike a balance, green IOT solutions are a manifestation of nothing is impossible.
Green IoT anticipates a harmonious future between green networks and the physical environment. Green networks integrated with the internet of things promise more sustainable architecture that reduces energy consumption and environmental pollution.
In this article, we have mentioned how sustainability and IoT are moving in parallel to make this planet greener and the benefits of IoT in business.
Let’s dive in to understand the essence of green IoT.
What is Green IOT?
IoT is known to turn the impossible into a reality.
So it has struck the right cord between the environment and technology, pledging to meet sustainability.
The Green internet of things can be referred to as a set of procedures that the IoT embraces to reduce the greenhouse effect of the existing services and applications.
Due to these sustainable practices, the entire life cycle of a green IoT and its applications are mainly dependent on green utilization and production. Moreover, disposing and recycling of these devices leave a negligible impact on the environment.
In its essence, Green IoT is a practice followed to lower the energy consumption of IoT devices to create a more sustainable environment.
You must be wondering how green IoT works?
Well, the green internet of things works on three primary concepts enabling, leveraging and designing technologies.
To achieve a green IoT product, IoT app development companies have to follow rigorous protocols, including green production, design, utilization and disposal.
Real-life examples of Green IOT
Now, you know what green IoT is and how it functions. Here are some real-life examples of green IoT to give you a better understanding of green IoT.
Green IoT encompasses a wide variety of technologies and touches broad verticals of everyday life.
Here are some green IoT examples:
Smart grid
The smart grid consumes energy from renewable sources like solar, thermal, wind and nuclear power plants.
It is used as a communication network to collect data from electrical system sensors to control consumer consumption and help energy sources.
The system allows analysis, monitoring and control of the electricity supply chain to reduce energy consumption, maximize transparency and improve efficiency.
It was launched with the aim to overcome the weakness of common electrical grids by replacing them with smart net meters.
Smart Cities
One of the significant benefits of green IoT is smart cities.
A smart city is a municipality that puts data and digital technology together to streamline the work to make better decisions to improve the quality of life.
It will utilize various kinds of sensors and electronic and voice activation methods to collect the data. The collected information can be used to manage the resources and assets and offer services efficiently.
Intelligent Transportation System
An intelligent transportation system is an advanced application that aims to provide innovative services related to different modes of transportation and traffic management.
It allows the user to make informed and safe decisions for more coordinated and smart use of transport networks.
Smart Manufacturing and Smart Factories
There are various benefits of IoT in business, but one of the significant benefits is smart manufacturing. Smart manufacturing and smart factories are a broad category under which the goal of optimized manufacturing is achieved.
It employs computer controls, big data, modeling and other automation for better manufacturing. Smart factories not only work on the data but also analyze the consumer experience for better interpretation and insights.
Green IoT for Businesses - Enterprise and environmental perspectives explained
Green IoT and its applications can deliver numerous benefits of IoT and sustainability in business.
Although the concept of green IoT is still in its infancy, organizations can adopt IoT business ideas to grow exponentially. It brings in a level of authority and responsibilty for enterprises.
Smart Water Management
The human race is running out of water, and by 2025, billions of people will face water scarcity. IoT technology can eliminate the 50% water crisis by reducing pipe leakage and monitoring water consumption.
Also, with the help of smart irrigation can be accomplished using IoT sensors to resolve water scarcity due to negligence in agricultural practices.
Keep an Eye on Air Pollution
Air pollution comes from major sources and is one of the primary contributing factors to global pollution.
Businesses contribute to air pollution by organizing business trips, operational activities and employee commutes.
Therefore, building a sustainable environment becomes a collective responsibility.
IoT-based air monitoring systems can resolve these issues by addressing pollution concerns and offering real-time air quality checks.
Efficient Farming
The UN predicts that food production needs to go up by 60% to feed billions of people by 2025.
A cloud-based temperature monitoring system integrated with IoT can make it easy to control and access temperature and humidity.
With the collected data, farmers can adjust and control spaces to ensure higher yields.
Smart sensors enable real-time monitoring of livestock health, crop conditions, irrigation systems, soil quality check, etc.
Smart Energy Monitoring
Energy consumption and production have hazardous effects on the environment; therefore voice activated AC controllers, sub-metering, smart plugs, IoT enabled devices can help to reduce and control energy consumption.
Connected Wildlife
So many animals have come on the verge of extinction, and 900 species are already extinct. Well, technology can help to save these animals.
Using IoT-driven collars and drones for tracking the location can help. These devices have been successful in saving African rhinos.
Climate Change Management
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states that aggressive reduction of global carbon emissions needs to come down from 40 to 70%.
Climate change is a result of poor energy and water management and the emission of harmful gasses. IoT has the potential to manage climate change as IoT can reduce the greenhouse effect.
The internet of things can track air and water pollution and energy consumption by reducing the emission of harmful gasses.
Future of Green IOT
According to the World Economic Forum, the awareness of the relationship between the internet of things and sustainability is limited.
But as companies are approaching different ways to reduce their impact on the environment, the value of IoT is becoming crystal clear.
It is your decision whether you want to embark on this journey alone or collaborate with an IoT development company to build a green IoT business environment.
Going with the latter will allow you to make more informed decisions by giving you access to expert and specialized engineers.
An expert partner like Toobler can advise you to drive robust solutions to deliver exceptional results. Get in touch with our experts today to harness the potential of IoT and revolutionize the industry.
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