
How to Fix Epson error code 0x9a

If you are looking for “Fix Epson error code 0x9a” or ” Fix Epson printer” then you are in right place. find out how you can easily fix Fix Epson error code 0x9a at your home.

The Epson error code 0x9a is among those problems that can prevent you from using your printer. Faulty hardware is one of the main causes of it. There are other causes too behind this printing problem. On several models of Epson printers such as WF 3640, WF 7620, etc., this error can be found. To fix the Epson WF 7620 error code 0x9a, you can first clean your device. Additionally, you can check its carriages and the strips installed within it. Doing so can help in fixing the issue on your Epson machine. To know more fixes like these and how to implement them, you can read further.

What is Epson WF 3640 Error Code 0x9a?

The error code 0x9a in Epson 3640 Printer and other models can be seen as a notification that tells that there is some problem with the device. It usually occurs in the printing process. When this error occurs, your device may be unable to print.  

How is the Error Code 0x9a on Epson Printers Caused?

Here’s a list of all the probable causes of the Epson WorkForce 3620 error code 0x9a:

Epson error code 0x9a, Epson WF 7620 error code 0x9a, error code 0x9a in Epson 3640, Epson WorkForce 3620 error code 0x9a, Epson error code 0x9a Repair Utility, error code 0x9a on the Epson printer, How to Fix Epson Error Code 0x9a
  • This error may come up due to the faults in the carriages that can be a result of an obstruction caused inside the printer.
  • Another probable reason for error code 0x9a can be the small pieces of paper or debris that may be stuck in the paper tray. 
  • Misplaced printer assembly, and bent or damaged rails can also be the potential cause of this error code.
  • A dirty encoder strip installed in the printer may also be the cause behind this issue.
  • Some other reasons may also include defective hardware, faulty printhead, faulty control board of the printer, broken motor, and so on.

Now, you are familiar with the causes of the problem, let us look at the ways through which you can rectify the error code 0x9a.

Fixes of Epson Error Code 0x9a

The effective ways that you can use to resolve this error include simple methods like cleaning the printer thoroughly, ensuring that no debris or pieces of paper are there in the printer’s carriage, cleaning the encoder strip, and resetting the printer. 

Below we have provided a detailed explanation for all the above-stated methods.


  • Cleaning the Epson Printer
  • Check the Carriage of the Printer
  • Cleaning the Encoder Strip
  • Resetting the Printer
  • Use a Repair Utility Tool
  • Restore Your PC Settings