




How to enhance male fertility has now become a major issue in the public. This issue of male fertility affects nearly 30% to 40% of couples, who have difficulty in conceiving a baby. A male fertility test usually reveals low sperm count or unhealthy sperm. Impotency and premature ejaculation are other reasons of concern affecting society. Both partners have to go for fertility test, if a woman fails to conceive even after repeated attempts. These tests are taken only after the doctor is convinced that enough time has elapsed, usually a year.





Reasons For Infertility in Males

There are many reasons for low sperm count in the males. Some of the most common ones are given below -


  • Varicocles - A condition in which dilated scrotal veins, weaken sperm development by blocking drainage of blood. This condition can be corrected medically.
  • Sperm disability - Due to low production, abnormal production or no production in the male body.
  • Premature or retrograde ejaculation - It is caused by the malfunctioning of the muscles and failure of the nervous system. This could be the result of too much medication after an accident, weakness in the body due to operation or any other disease.
  • Blocking of the sperm passage
  • Hormone levels being low
  • Other genetic defects
  • Side effects of Cancer
  • Too much exposure to heat, as in boilers, hot beds, mines etc.
  • Too much drug or alcohol abuse
  • Too much smoking   


There is no reason to be disheartened, as most of the cases mentioned above can either be treated or avoided, and the affected person can become a healthy person once again.

 Injections like Intracytoplasmic sperm injection and vitro fertilization have helped many couples to conceive and give birth to healthy babies. You can also read books on how to enhance male fertility.


Here are some Tips to Increase Sperm Count.

Healthy Living

Firstly, eat healthy food, rich in vitamins and minerals. Second, exercise regularly, to keep fit and healthy. Remain tension free and apply your mind to one thing at a time. Practice meditation.



Foods That Increase Sperm Count


A regular intake of fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables increases antioxidants, which are responsible for increase in sperm. An apple a day keeps doctor away and increases the sperm count as well. Do not undermine the role of diet in influencing your sperm count.

You can also take the help of vitamin tablets if you are unable to keep a regular intake of fruits and vegetables. Male fertility increases if you include vitamin c and e in your diet along with zinc and selenium. Now you know how to enhance male fertility. 

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Time Tested Herbs and Oils


Many herbs and oils are also used to enhance male fertility. Chinese herb ginseng, saw palmetto, astral Gus and macaw are medicines to increase sperm count. Many oils like sunflower oil, certain fish oils, even pumpkin seeds and flax seed oil find favor with some to increase low sperm count. Besides the above-mentioned herbs and oils, certain tablets like Viagra and many others claim to reduce male infertility. However, it is always better to consult your physician before using any of the above-mentioned drugs, herbs or oils.




Remember that this stage of pre pregnancy is very delicate and requires perfect pregnancy planning. Do some regular exercise, walk as much as you can, drink lot of water, and stay clear of smoking and drinking and wear loose-fitting clothes. Listen to music to remain tension free, and do not overstrain yourself watching too much TV. Spend some time reading light books and magazines and gather as much information as you can on how to deliver a healthy baby and how to enhance male fertility.

How to enhance male fertility is one of the most important male fertility related concern during the pregnancy planning stage. Male fertility test is necessary to detect problems such as low sperm count, and to take medications or treatment to increase sperm count. There are foods that increase sperm count. Pregnancy Planning provides more information on fertility, female infertility, planned pregnancy and other issues related or pregnancy and childbirth.

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 In the beginning God created man and woman and said "Be fruitful and multiply". That was good advice then and now - it still applies today.

You don't hear a lot of men complaining about wanting to be pregnant but the problem is we are simply not achieving this very important goal for most couples.

Now there is a new challenge, there is more to be learned. Why are you not achieving conception in your marriage? Could it be that you have a couple of different issues going on? You may be very sexually aroused by your spouse but you are only able to ejaculate one or two days a month






 You may find it impossible to orgasm during sex and this may be the cause of the problem. Could you be suffering from impotence? If you are just not getting there, could you be having trouble with premature ejaculation? If you have a difficult time in the morning, could it be related to sleep problems? The truth is that it is so important to have a fertile mind and body for the future of our society.

But if your fertility is not up to par and you are simply not getting pregnant you can easily become depressed and frustrated. You should not beat yourself up because your mate is not able to reproduce - you may not be the problem and you have a solution.


When it comes to sex and reproduction in marriage there is nothing like a healthy male partner. Here are a few things you can do to help enhance male fertility.

  1. Have a balanced diet. We have been told for years to eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, and a range of whole grains and meats. But what really matters is the quality and proportion of each meal. A healthy diet will also improve the quality of your sexual desire and the way you feel. It will improve your overall health and vitality.



  1. Exercise every day. A healthy man is a happy man. So how important is exercise? A little goes a long way. Studies show that you will not become a great marathon runner in just one week of exercise but you will achieve a significant improvement in your physical fitness if you work at it consistently.
  2. Take your vitamins. You are what you eat so it makes sense to think that you are what you take in as well. Your hormones and metabolism depend on what you eat and what you drink. You should take vitamins daily and a good multivitamin is helpful to have.
  3. Learn how to relax. There is a good chance that stress and anxiety have played a role in your lack of success so taking time to relax is important. You should make sure that you have plenty of time to unwind at the end of each day and make time for yourself. Meditation or deep relaxation will improve the quality of your sleep as well as your mood.




  1. Learn the basics. If you have never studied the basic principles of good sexual health - like the proper function of the sex organs or how to enhance your fertility then now is the time to learn. Your health can take a turn for the worse if you do not educate yourself on these issues.
  2. Have self-control. You may not want to but the truth is that you should limit your sexual activities to just your wife, or one or two other healthy relationships with the same woman. If you are single, you should make a list of your sexual goals - to learn what you like and what you don't like. You should also establish goals regarding your relationships with other women.
  3. Know how your body works. You should learn about the different types of sex positions and how these can enhance your wife's pleasure and help you to achieve your desired goal. There is an entire section on male sexuality in the "How to Achieve Male Fertility" e-book. It will teach you everything you need to know about sex and how to have a healthy, pleasurable and fulfilling sexual life.





For those of you seeking additional information on what can be done to enhance male fertility, we have included a couple more topics in the following resources. Men with low sperm count may be unable to produce enough sperm for the fertilization process. Many conditions cause low sperm count, and it is important to get to the root cause of the problem so that treatment can be started. Your doctor may be able to test the semen in a series of small amounts over several days. This can be done so that it looks for the cause of the low count and also whether it is just the low count. If the semen tests are normal then an anti-sperm medication or a testicular self-examination may be recommended. It is important that they are not given if a vasectomy is still in place, although the doctor may discuss whether or not it is appropriate. In some cases it may be possible to reduce the sperm count to a level which would still ensure fertilization. However, there are not many treatments for low sperm count.

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As a last resort, a sperm donor may be needed to provide sperm for in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. To understand sperm count, please read our page on sperm count. Male Fertility Treatments for Fertility Drugs If your male partner has been taking fertility drugs, the chances of producing children may be reduced. There are some options to prevent the potential negative effects of taking fertility drugs. You may be able to stop taking fertility drugs, or you may be able to reduce the dose. If your male partner's sperm count has been affected by taking fertility drugs, then he will need a sperm treatment. Before taking any fertility drugs, it is important to discuss the potential consequences and the options that may be available with your doctor.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/607940