TP-Link router comes with a web-interface that allows you to customize and manage your router’s settings. You can easily access the tplinksmart wifi router setup page and do configurations. Start with the hardware setup, connect the router to your existing modem with the Ethernet cable. Also, connect the tplink device to your PC using the Ethernet cable. You can take expert advice on how to connect the tplink router to the network. After you complete the initial setup, proceed with the tplink router login process. Launch a browser on the connected PC and type the default gateway in the address field. Use the tplink default login details to log into the tplink smart wifi router setup page. You can refer to the manual that came with your router to check all the information including username and password, SSID name and password, or more. Once logged in, go to the router settings and do changes as per your requirement. Change the Wireless Security settings of your router to keep it secure from online threats and from hackers. Click here to know how to change the wireless name and password of your tplink router. If you need more information about the tplink smart wifi router setup process, you can dial our toll-free number.