
Stay Safe with Automatic Bollards: They Are Key to Safety with Design Value


An automatic bollard is a small vertical pole. The first bollards were to anchor large ships to the pier, and are still in use today. A typical marine bollard is made of cast iron or steel and is shaped like a fungus — the enlarged tip is designed to prevent anchor ropes from slipping.

Automatic bollards are usually installed primarily to increase safety, they can also be used as design features, serving as landscape elements. And that's not all — bollards can also serve many other purposes:

  • Create visible boundaries of a property
  • Separate areas within sites
  • Control or guide traffic
  • Allow pedestrian access while preventing vehicle entry

Removable and operable bollards (folding and retractable) may allow different levels of access restriction for a variety of circumstances. They often tell us where we can and cannot drive, park, bike or walk.

Bollards also include the following benefits:

  • Aesthetic appeal to the exterior of buildings and surrounding areas
  • Illumination
  • Security cameras
  • Bicycle parking
  • Seating

Decorative bollards are manufactured in a variety of patterns to harmonize with a wide range of architectural styles.

Features of Automatic Bollards

  • The particularity of automatic bollards is that they are retractable. That is, they can disappear automatically under the ground when they are not needed.

  • As we have already mentioned, its main purpose is to prohibit the circulation of vehicles. But there are spaces where it is necessary to open the way at certain times. And that's what these retractable bollards are designed for. They do their job and when the opening of the road is required, they are hidden under the asphalt or sidewalks.

  • Automatic bollards are manufactured in different models, sizes or finishes, depending on the function they will have. You can even make custom designs at the customer's request, including their identifying logos.

  • Some have covers with LED lights that work with small solar panels installed on top. They are also often put reflective bands that form a luminous crown.