In order to keep the house in good condition, the foundation exterior needs maintenance. Painting the foundation exterior is one of the best ways to do this. A Residential Painter in Toronto recommends painting the exterior every 5 to 10 years according to the weather and quality of your previous paint job.
Exterior foundation is available in a wide range of materials, however, brick, cement block and concrete are the most common. So, in this article, we will focus on these materials. So, lets us elaborate on the process of painting the exterior foundation.
- Inspecting
Begin with inspecting the foundation. Roam around your house and look at the condition of your foundation. If there is any brick broken, cement cracked, leaves piled up and anything that needs your consideration. Make sure to repair cracked cement and broken brick before Commercial Painters in the GTA start. Remove the impediments collected against the wall.
- Cleaning
Once, done with repairing the bricks and cement, and removing impediments, it is the right time to start with cleaning. Use a hose or a power washer set on low to clean the foundation. High power may damage the foundation. Use a wire brush to remove the excess dirt. Leave it for dry.
- Priming
A primer applied by Residential Painter in Toronto will make sure that the paint will stay for long. Apply a primer made for your type of foundation. Instead of using a paint roller or brush, prefer to use a paint sprayer. It will apply a quick, flat coating. While paint applied by paintbrushes or roller get absorbed rather than staying on the surface.
Before applying, make sure to protect the ground and foundation plantings using tarps or plastics against the house. Cover up if they are any basement window or doors. Getting directly started on the wall might give you a poor result. If you are new, practice first on the cardboard, then try your hand on the cardboard.
Now, take care of few times to get an amazing result.
- Start and end the stroke before you pull the trigger and after you release it avoiding excess paint on the surface
- Maintain the speed
- Spray straight towards the foundation
- Wipe the tip to avoid clogging
- Start from the corner and move from the top down.
- Painting
Once, primer gets dried up, start painting. Use the same technique that you have previously used for the primer. Ask Commercial Painters in the GTA to do the corners first, then move from the top to the bottom giving an even and smooth coverage. Let the first coat dry. Then, move towards the second round. In most of the cases, two coats are enough to give clear coverage. However, if the foundation is still, apply one or two more coats.