
How to Choose Between MEAN and React Native

Mean also suffers from a steeper learning curve because it relies on ES6+, a more complicated version of Javascript compared to what you would use with ReactNative.

In an article about MEAN versus ReactNative, Jay David discusses which would be a good fit for a new project. One downside Jay points out about Mean is that it requires Javascript ES6+ which can increase complexity when learning. Additionally, Mean has a steeper learning curve because coding logic must change in response to newer technologies whereas in a reactive app these changes are easier made by applying new features and releasing updates.


What is MERN Stack?

The MERN stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, React Native or Node.js, and Angular) is a combination of JavaScript-based full-stack web development frameworks that can be used for building complex web applications using dynamic data via REST APIs. It consists of four separate components: MongoDB is a NoSQL database management system that stores data in documents that may have unordered key-value pairs. Express is a simple framework for node.js applications used to develop middleware pipelines using static files, dynamic routing using HTTP methods, streaming uploads/downloads, and database integration. Reacts is an open-source Javascript library for building user interfaces that have gained popularity for its declarative approach in defining user interface components.

Also Read : Full-Stack vs MEAN vs MERN: Which Development Stack Should You Choose?

Why we choose MERN stack for Web Development

MERN stack is a full-stack JavaScript solution that makes it easier for developers to build web, mobile, and desktop applications. MERN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js and Node.js. This guide outlines why you should choose MERN stack developer  over MEAN stack or any other stacks available in market today. We will first cover why they are different? Then we will dive into what makes each of them unique followed by a step-by-step comparison of both stacks so that you can easily choose between them based on your business requirements. Let’s begin! Why hire  React Native developer instead of Hybrid app development company? Hybrid app development allows to share core components between mobile platforms but all that happens within common WebView (WebKit). There are major drawbacks of such an approach: Your user interface feels very unresponsive. Android apps on iOS feel like WebView Walled garden with limited access to platform APIs . Fragmentation affects sharing code across devices due lack support for features which only exists for particular platform versions When it comes to hybrid application development which helps cross-platform work without jailbreaking/rooting their device or installing emulators if not targeted natively; tech firms have not been able handle apps built with HTML5 technology well.


Why we choose React Native for Mobile App Development

If you are deciding between using one of these three technologies for your next app, here’s a look at what you need to know. It all comes down to understanding what you want from your app development process and from your final product. After all, there’s no best technology per se: each has its strengths and weaknesses depending on how you will use it in your business. Knowing what those are upfront will save you a lot of time and hassle further down the line. In addition, when you do choose a technology, make sure that your decision is based on real-world considerations. Don’t take anyone else’s word for it. By taking into account every aspect—technical or otherwise—in creating an app with any of these technologies, and always following the mantra that if it ain't broke don't fix it mantra, businesses can give their customers tailored apps with innovative features that will truly enhance their user experience (UX). They'll enjoy increased productivity through simple yet powerful solutions to daily tasks and common problems—and so can you!



Which one is right for you? If you’re still trying to figure out which option is right for your company, consider asking yourself a few questions. Is my team primarily full-stack developers? How important is JavaScript proficiency in terms of day-to-day work? Do I need mobile apps or a web application that can be accessed by desktop users as well? Are my team members more comfortable with JavaScript or TypeScript, since both are used in these frameworks?


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