
Why make the transition to cloud native for your enterprise

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Toobler @Toobler · Jan 4, 2022 · edited: Jan 10, 2022



Before investing in any technology, it's an important aspect to ensure and investigate the benefits it has in return, for your business and customers. When the global statistics are considered, nearly 65% of enterprises are seen building their application strategy on cloud platforms, with the surge in usage expected to rise in the following decade. So, why is it that industries are shifting to a cloud native setup?

Given the consumer demands of this generation, faster responses, updates, new features, personalization, and so on form the hallmark of a good customer experience. In a traditional framework, there are often constraints more than possibilities. For instance, let's picture a hospital that largely depends on the manual update of data or has followed an outdated IT system for a prolonged time. Would they be able to keep up or deal faster with a larger influx of patients? Or a detailed update of every patient visit?

Now visualize a hospital that is not constrained by such manual infrastructure. Where a patient can walk in and there are instant updates to doctors, immediate updates of health reports, check-ins, and detailed patient history available, a tap away. In this cloud-based setting, the benefits of cloud native services lift the constraints of traditional infrastructure. This can help the business focus on the customer experience rather than technological errors. Overall, cloud native helps you seamlessly move from idea to execution in a short span of time.

What is cloud native technology?

Cloud native technology is a modern approach to building and running software that helps build an infrastructure that is flexible, scalable, and manages complexity. In the age of software development, switching to a cloud native application helps bring ideas to market faster and respond sooner to customer demands.


 Click to Read More: https://www.toobler.com/blog/why-make-transition-to-cloud-native-for-enterprise